Vicariate Apostolic Nekemte

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Vicariate Apostolic Nekemte
Map of the Vicariate Apostolic Nekemte
Basic data
Country Ethiopia
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Apostolic Vicar Varghese Thottamkara CM
Apostolic Vicar Emeritus Theodorus van Ruijven CM
founding 1913
surface 98,792 km²
Parishes 71 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Residents 6,000,000 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Catholics 42,000 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
proportion of 0.7%
Diocesan priest 27 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Religious priest 10 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Catholics per priest 1,135
Friars 19 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Religious sisters 38 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
rite Roman rite
cathedral Cathedral of Kidane Meheret

The Apostolic Vicariate of Nekemte ( Latin apostolicus Vicariatus Nekemteensis ) is in Ethiopia situated Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate with headquarters in Nekemte .


Pope Pius X. founded the Apostolic Prefecture of South Caffa on January 28, 1913 from cessions of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Galla . On September 8, 1913, it took the name of the Apostolic Prefecture of Kaffa .

Due to the Apostolic Constitution Quo in Ethiopia , it lost part of its territory to the Apostolic Vicariate Awasa on March 25, 1937 and was raised to the Apostolic Vicariate Gimma with the Bull Quae christiano nomini .

With the Apostolic Constitution Quae utilia on February 13, 1940, the Apostolic Prefectures of Hosanna and Endeber received part of its territory.

On September 3, 1982, it took on its current name. On June 10, 1994, it lost part of its territory to the Jimma-Bonga Apostolic Prefecture .


Apostolic Prefects of South Caffa / Kaffa

Vicars Apostolic of Gimma

Vicars Apostolic of Nekemte

See also

Web links