Apostolic Vicariate Puerto Carreño

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Apostolic Vicariate Puerto Carreño
Map of the Vicariate Apostolic Office of Puerto Carreño
Basic data
Country Colombia
Apostolic Vicar Sedis vacancy
Apostolic Vicar Emeritus Alvaro Efrén Rincón Rojas CSsR
founding 1999
surface 57,000 km²
Parishes 6 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Residents 47,500 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics 37,000 (2017 / AP 2018 )
proportion of 77.9%
Diocesan priest 5 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious priest 4 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics per priest 4.111
Permanent deacons 1 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Friars 7 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious sisters 2 (2017 / AP 2018 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish
cathedral Catedral Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Website http://www.vicariatoapostolicopuertocarreno.org/

The Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Puerto Carreño ( lat. : Apostolicus Vicariatus Portus Carreniensis , span. : Vicariato Apostolico de Puerto Carreño ) is an in Colombia located Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate with headquarters in Puerto Carreño .


The Apostolic Vicariate Puerto Carreño was established on December 22nd, 1999 by Pope John Paul II from the cession of territory of the Apostolic Prefecture Vichada .

Vicars Apostolic of Puerto Carreño

See also

Web links