Aquilegia nikolicii

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Aquilegia nikolicii
Aquilegia nikolicii

Aquilegia nikolicii

Order : Buttercups (Ranunculales)
Family : Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae)
Subfamily : Isopyroideae
Tribe : Isopyreae
Genre : Columbines ( Aquilegia )
Type : Aquilegia nikolicii
Scientific name
Aquilegia nikolicii
Niketić & Cikovac

Aquilegia nikolicii is a species ofthe buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). This rare, endangered species is only found in Serbia , eastern Bosnia and northern Montenegro .


Appearance and leaf

Aquilegia nikolicii is a perennial , herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 45 to 60 centimeters. The upright stem growing from the middle of the loose leaf rosette is hairy , glandular-sticky, downy ( trichome ). A characteristic feature is the hairiness ( indument ) of leaves and stems.

The basal leaves are divided into a long petiole and a leaf blade. The leaf blades are always finely hairy on both sides. The leaf blade of the basal leaves is up to 3 centimeters long and is divided into three parts, green on the top and silver on the underside. The upper stem leaves are tripartite with more linear sections; they are also thickly glandular.

Inflorescence and flower

The flowering period extends from May to June. In racemose inflorescences there are initially slightly nodding, later upright, on long pedicels three to five, occasionally more flowers. The spurred, bell-shaped flowers are radially symmetrical and five-fold with a diameter of 3 to 5 centimeters . Characteristic is the two-tone nature of the petals at the lower end from red-violet-blue to white. The bracts are red-violet and turn reddish when they fade. The five petal-like bracts are up to 3 inches long and up to 1.1 inches wide. The nectar leaves are up to 3 inches long; 1.4 to 2 centimeters in length, the spur is straight or slightly curved, thickened like a head at the end and dark in color and significantly longer than the leaves of the nectaries . The numerous stamens only reach up to the edge of the petal blade .

Fruit and seeds

The five to ten glandular hairy follicles (folliculus) per flower contain many seeds. The seeds are dark and shiny.

Chromosome number

In Aquilegia nikolicii is diploidy before and has the chromosome number 2n = fourteenth

Distribution map of
Aquilegia nikolicii and Aquilegia grata

Occurrence and endangerment

Aquilegia nikolicii is an inhabitant of rocky locations in canyons and gorges in the Drina catchment area in Serbia , eastern Bosnia and northern Montenegro . Here it is limited to gorge locations in the Drina catchment area. Locations are between 250 and 1200 meters above sea level in cool, open areas on scree slopes and rocks as an element in the plant sociological association Centaureo derventanae-Seslerietum tenuifoliae .

Until the final clarification of its species status in 2013, Aquilegia nikolicii was considered to belong to the Pleasant Columbine ( Aquilegia grata ). Since the latter species only has a very small area and was only collected once until recently in 1864, Aquilegia nikolicii was often brought into culture under the erroneous name of Aquilegia grata .

Endangerment level of Aquilegia nikolicii according to IUCN

As an endemic- paleo- endemic relic , it is only known from a few locations (currently around 30 sites). It is under nature protection in its area of ​​distribution. On the IUCN list of endangered plants , the status of Aquilegia grata is listed as “rar” (R). The status of Aquilegia nikolicii is derived from this according to the newer categories of the IUCN statutes as “endangered” (VU).

Systematics and botanical history

Josif Pančić's herbarium records of Aquilegia nikolicii are kept in the "Herbarium Pancicianum" at the Botanical Institute of the University of Belgrade.

In 1867 Josif Pančić made the first discovery of Aquilegia nikolicii on the Mokra Gora in western Serbia and named it Aquilegia thalictrifolia . In 1875 Albert Zimmeter described a columbine from the Orjen Mountains, which came from a collection of Franz de Paula Maly from 1864 in the then Kingdom of Dalmatia , as Aquilegia grata . Zimmeter wrongly put Pančić's Aquilegia thalictrifolia to Aquilegia grata .

The morphological features of Aquilegia - taxa from the subcontinental canyons of Bosnia and Serbia but were so strong deviation (u a two-tone petals..), That the association remained unknown for long. Pančić himself also gave different names to columbines that he had found in the mountains in the Drina valley. In addition to Aquilegia thalictrifolia , he also led them as Aquilegia amaliae (synonym for Aquilegia ottonis subsp. Amaliae ). The latter name was then adopted in all Florenwerke in the Balkans and ex-Yugoslavia. After Karl Maly (the son of Franz Maly) had again collected Aquilegia nikolicii during a botanical tour in the Drina Valley in 1897 , he sent herbarium receipts with the label Aquilegia grata to important botanical collections in Europe from 1908 . Karl Maly thereby established the view that Aquilegia grata is supposedly two-colored. The seeds of Aquilegia nikolicii to William Bertram Turrill , the custodian of the Royal Botanical Garden in Kew , also went back to Karl Maly . In 1935, Turrill published in Curtis's Botanical Magazine on these cultivars in Kew, which came from what was then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia , the only iconographic image of a supposed Aquilegia grata , but in reality of Aquilegia nikolicii .

In 1992 Marjan Niketić revised the findings of Aquilegia ottonis subsp. amaliae for the flora of Serbia and for the time being put them back to the Pleasant Columbine. After the sites of the Angenehmen Columbine, which had not been visited since 1864, had proven to be unrelated to those found in the Drina catchment area, the independence of Aquilegia nikolicii was recognized as a species. The specific epithet is derived from the Serbian botanist Vojislav Nikolić.

The type evidence of Aquilegia nikolicii is deposited in the "General Herbarium of the Balkan Peninsula " in the Belgrade Natural History Museum (Prirodnjački Muzej Beograd).

In the species Aquilegia nikolicii Niketić & Cikovac , two varieties are distinguished today:

  • Aquilegia nikolicii Niketić & Cikovac var. Nikolicii (Syn .: Aquilegia amaliae sensu Pančić non . Heldr. Ex Boiss 1854, Aquilegia grata subsp. Nikolicii Niketić )
  • Aquilegia nikolicii var. Pancicii Niketić (Syn .: Aquilegia viscosa sensu Pančić non Gouan 1765, Aquilegia thalictrifolia sensu Pančić non Schott & Kotschy 1853, Aquilegia pancicii sensu Regula-Bevilacqua non Degen 1905 Aquilegia grata subsp. Grata sensu Niketić )


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Paul Ascherson & Paul Graebner , 1929: Synopsis of the Central European Flora . Vol. V./2, Ranales (Ranunculaceae, continued), pp. 655-656. Borntraeger, Leipzig.
  2. a b c L. Regula-Bevilacqua: Aquilegia . In: Ivo Trinajstić (ed.), 1973: Analitička Flora Jugoslavije . 2: 359-367, Zagreb, 1973.
  3. Jaakko Jalas, Juha Suominen: Atlas florae europaeae . Volume 8 (Nymphaeaceae to Ranunculaceae). , Helsinki 1989, p. 235. ISBN 951-9108-07-6
  4. a b c d e f g h M. Niketić, P. Cikovac, V. Stevanović: Taxonomic and nomenclature notes on Balkan columbines (Aquilegia L., Ranunculaceae). In: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Belgrade , 6, 2013, pp. 33–42. PDF
  5. ^ A b William Bertram Turrill: Aquilegia grata . In: Curtis's Botanical Magazine , plate 9405, Kew, London, 1935.
  6. ^ Albert Zimmeter: Relationships and geographical distribution of the species of the genus Aquilegia native to Europe . In: Annual report of the kuk Staats- Ober-Realschule Steyr. Volume 5, Steyr., 1875
  7. Čedomil Šilić: Endemične biljke . - 3rd izd. - Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1990, p. 227 p.
  8. a b Marjan Niketić: A taxonomical-chorological differentiation of species Aquilegia grata F. Maly ex Zimmeter and Aquilegia ottonis Orph. ex Boiss. (Ranunculaceae). Glasnik Prirodnjačkog Muzaja u Beogradu , Volume 47, Belgrade, 1992, pp. 53-66.
  9. August Hayek: Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Balcanicae . Feddes Repert. Beih. 30, 1, 2, Berlin, 1924, p. 302.
  10. M. & M. Gajić Niketić: Rod Aquilegia . In: Sarić, M. (Ed.): Flora Srbije . 2, 1, 1992, pp. 290-299. SANU, Odeljene prirodno-matematičkih nauka, Belgrade.
  11. Karl Malys herbarium from 1908 in the Kew herbarium with the label Aquilegia grata


  • Marjan Niketić, Pavle Cikovac, Vladimir Stevanović : Taxonomic and nomenclature notes on Balkan columbines (Aquilegia L., Ranunculaceae). In: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Belgrade , Volume 6, 2013, pp. 33-42. PDF
  • Marjan Niketić: A taxonomical-chorological differentiation of species Aquilegia grata F. Maly ex Zimmeter and Aquilegia ottonis Orph. ex Boiss. (Ranunculaceae) . Glasnik Prirodnjačkog Muzeja u Beogradu , Volume 47, Belgrade, 1992, pp. 53-66.
  • Albert Zimmeter : Relationships and geographical distribution of the species of the genus Aquilegia native to Europe . Annual report of the kuk Staats- Ober-Realschule Steyr. Volume 5, Steyr., 1875.

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