Aram Shelton

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Shelton with the Ton Trio at the 20th Olympia Experimental Music Festival, 2014

Aram Shelton (born September 14, 1976 in Walton (New York) ) is an American musician ( saxophone , clarinet , electronics) of free jazz and improvised music .

Live and act

Shelton grew up in southeast Florida , learned alto saxophone at college and began his musician career in Washington, DC Initially oriented towards Ornette Coleman and Jackie McLean , he worked in the Chicago jazz scene from 1999 with the Fast Citizens formations (with Fred Lonberg-Holm and Keefe Jackson ), the Trio Dragon 1976 (with Jason Ajemian and Tim Daisy ), Arrive (his quartet with Jason Adasiewicz , Jason Roebke and Tim Daisy) and Rapid Croche . With Jonathan Crawford he formed Gray Ghost . Most of his recordings appeared on his Singlespeed Music label . His compositions are u. a. Ornette Coleman, Sun Ra , Charles Mingus , Dave Douglas and Eastern European music. In the 2000s, he incorporated electro-acoustic elements into his work by rearranging and recording phrases from orchestral music. He has lived in Oakland since 2005 , where he continued his education at Mills College and performed with musicians such as Weasel Walter , Fred Frith , Jon Raskin and Damon Smith .

Compositions (selection)

  • Opened and Moved (2005) for solo cello with electronics
  • November (2006) for two clarinets, bass clarinet, piano and electronics
  • Static Active (2009) for clarinet, double bass, percussion and electronics

Discographic notes

  • Dragon 76: On Cortez (Locust Music, 2003)
  • Arrive ( 482 Music , 2005) with Jason Adasiewicz, Jason Roebke, Tim Daisy
  • Dragon 76 (MultiKutli, 2007)
  • Ton Trio: The Way (Singlespeed, 2009) with Kurt Kotheimer, Sam Ospovat
  • Josh Berman / Aram Shelton / Weasel Walter : Last Distractions (Singlespeed, 2009)
  • Aram Shelton's Fast Citizens: Two Cities ( Delmark Records , 2009)
  • Aram Shelton's Arrive There Was… ( Clean Feed , 2011) with Tim Daisy, Jason Roebke, Jason Adasiewicz
  • Aram Shelton / Ole Mofjell : Uncovered (Single Speed ​​Music, 2017)
  • Aram Shelton & Håkon Berre : Dormancy (2018)


  1. Review of Alex Henderson's album Two Cities at Allmusic (English). Retrieved May 20, 2011.
  2. ^ Aram Shelton's electroacoustic works. Archived from the original on January 10, 2013 ; accessed on October 3, 2017 .
  3. Signal Flow 2007: Aram Shelton. Archived from the original on May 6, 2010 ; accessed on October 3, 2017 .

Web links