Ariel Lascarro Tapia

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Coat of arms of Ariel Lascarro Tapia

Ariel Lascarro Tapia (born November 3, 1967 in El Carmen de Bolívar , Colombia ) is Bishop of Magangué .


Ariel Lascarro Tapia received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Cartagena on October 22, 1994 .

On November 21, 2014, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Magangué. The Archbishop of Cartagena, Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal CIM , donated him episcopal ordination on January 17, 2015 ; Co- consecrators were the Apostolic Nuncio in Colombia, Archbishop Ettore Balestrero , and the Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena, Carlos José Ruiseco Vieira . The inauguration took place on January 24, 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nomina del Vescovo di Magangué (Colombia). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 21, 2014, accessed November 21, 2014 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Jorge Leonardo Gómez Serna OP Bishop of Magangué
since 2014