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Armatocereus laetus

Armatocereus laetus

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Browningieae
Genre : Armatocereus
Scientific name

Armatocereus is a genus of plants from the cactus family(Cactaceae). The botanical name of the genus is derived from the Latin word "arma" for weapons and means armed Cereus .


The species of the genus Armatocereus grow bushy or tree-like. The strong, upright or ascending, cylindrical shoots are narrowed annually and so more or less structured. The strongly pronounced 3 to 16 ribs have large areoles from which usually strong and rarely weak thorns arise, which are seldom completely absent.

The rather large, tubular to narrowly funnel-shaped flowers are white or rarely red and open at night. The areoles of the flower cup and the flower tube are felty and usually thorny. The stamens are attached to the top of the tube.

The large, spherical to egg-shaped fruits are red or green and have a white, fleshy flesh and thorns that fall off when the fruit is ripe. The remnants of the flowers are persistent. The large, egg-shaped to kidney-shaped seeds are black.

Systematics and distribution

The species of the genus Armatocereus are mainly found in the Andes of Colombia , Ecuador and Peru .

The first description of the genus was made in 1938 by Curt Backeberg . The type species is Cactus laetus Kunth . The genus includes the following species:



Individual evidence

  1. Leaves for cactus research . No. 6, 1938.
  2. ^ Edward F. Anderson : The great cactus lexicon . Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4573-1 , p. 75-78 .

Web links

Commons : Armatocereus  - collection of images, videos and audio files