Arnold Krieger

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Grave of the writer, playwright and poet Arnold Krieger (1904–1965) in the Waldfriedhof in Darmstadt.

Arnold Krieger (born December 1, 1904 in Dirschau , † August 9, 1965 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German writer , playwright and poet .


Krieger's father Friedrich Wilhelm Krieger († 1942) was a high school principal in Stettin . Krieger grew up in Thorn and studied in Greifswald , Göttingen and Berlin philosophy . In 1925 he married Charlotte Raykowski, they had a daughter, Jutta Burgdorfer geb. Warrior. After the separation, the second marriage took place with Tuja Krieger. This marriage has two daughters: Dorothea (born 1951) and Felicitas (born 1948).

As a student, Krieger already enjoyed great recognition when his first work, the drama Opfernacht , premiered in the Szczecin City Theater. Before 1933 he made several trips to Africa. During the Nazi era , his novel Mann ohne Volk (1934) was published, which served as a template for the Nazi propaganda film Ohm Krüger (1940/41).

After the end of the war, Krieger's writings Mann ohne Volk ( Heyne , Dresden 1939), Christian de Wet ( Kiepenheuer , Berlin 1940), Der dunkle Orden (Heyne, Dresden 1940), Hendrik und Sannah ( Eher , Berlin 1940), Outrage in Thorn (Eher , Berlin 1942) and The Judgment (Heyne, Dresden 1942) added to the list of literature to be sorted out in the Soviet occupation zone . In this list later, in the German Democratic Republic still a man's heart - what then? (Universitas, Berlin 1935).

After 1945, Krieger lived temporarily in Switzerland and from 1953 in Darmstadt. His best-known work is the Africa novel Beloved, Hunted and Unforgotten (1955). He wrote Christian-based poetry, e.g. B: The redeeming word (1941), wealth of the poor (1958), the drama Christian de Wet (1936) and others

Arnold Krieger was buried in the Waldfriedhof Darmstadt (grave site: L 6a 25c).


  • Sacrifice night ; Acting 1927.
  • Scope for Monika ; Time novel 1934.
  • Man without people ; Novel 1934 (reprinted under the title Hendrik and Sannah , 1957).
  • The blood of the Lysa Gora ; 1934.
  • A human heart - what next? ; Contemporary novel 1935.
  • Fyodor and Anna ; Play / A Dostoevsky drama 1935 (premiered 1956 in Berlin).
  • Christian de Wet ; Drama / fate of the Boer general 1936.
  • Ninon Gruschenka ; Novella / fate of a Russian émigré 1938 (also dramatized).
  • Indignation in Thorn ; a Vistula German novel 1939.
  • The dark order ; Novel 1940 (1957 under the title The Son ).
  • The redeeming word ; Poetry book 1941.
  • The judgment ; Novel 1942.
  • The beating heart ; Poetry book 1944.
  • Longing for attachment ; Poetry book 1949.
  • That is how Petofi wants it ; Novel 1942 (1950 under the title My Life Belongs to Love and 1956 under the title His Life Was Love Released).
  • The judge's courtship ; based on the Spanish of Don Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, 1950.
  • Netochka Nesvanova ; a Dostoevsky fragment told to the end.
  • Liberation wonderful ; Contemporary novel 1951.
  • The strange covenant of love ; 1951 novel.
  • Strength from love ; an appeal in 1951.
  • Two moved out ; autobiographical novel 1953.
  • Terra Adorna ; State and church critical marriage novel, 1954.
  • The excursion ; Radio play 1956.
  • Loved, hunted and unforgotten ; Africa epic 1955.
  • The house of reconciliation ; 1956 novel.
  • The divorce attorney ; 1957 novel.
  • Wealth of the poor ; Collection of poems 1958.
  • The storybook of today (for all children from 9 to 99 years); 1958.
  • Help us live, Cordula ; 1959 novel.
  • Mr. Dryander's thirteen greyhounds ; Fairy tale 1958.
  • Small Magna Charta (demand for a “symphonic union” of leading spirits); 1959.
  • Stronger than superior power (analysis of the world situation); 1960.
  • Under the nettle trees ; Acting 1963.
  • The cuckoo and the ordeal ; 1963 novel.
  • Radio plays I-XII (published as a book); 1964.
  • The Ziver ; Acting 1965.


  • Margarete Dierks:  Warrior, Arnold. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-428-00194-X , p. 43 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Fritz Seefeldt: Arnold Krieger. An attempt at the synopsis of man and work on the first anniversary of his death . Eutin 1966.
  • Wilfried Samel: "Loved, hunted and unforgotten". Arnold Krieger on his 70th birthday on December 1, 1974 . In: Westpreußen-Jahrbuch, Vol. 24 (1974), ISSN  0511-8484 , pp. 150-154.
  • Tuja Krieger (ed.): Memories of Arnold Krieger . Studio creating and researching, Darmstadt 1977.
  • Christian W. Hallstein: An Introduction to the Novels of Arnold Krieger . Dissertation: Pennsylvania State University, 1978.
  • Arnold Krieger - 80th birthday December 1, 1894 - 9. August 1965. Event, response . Annual gift from the "Freundeskreis Arnold Krieger eV", Darmstadt. Studio creating and researching, Darmstadt 1985.
  • Bernhard Blumenthal: "In Noble Case: The Writings of Arnold Krieger". Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies , 1990.
  • Arnold Krieger (1904-1965) on his 90th birthday . "Freundeskreis Arnold Krieger eV", Darmstadt. Studio creating and researching, Darmstadt 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  3. ^ The play Christian de Wet from 1936 was presented in Lübeck 1940/41. The situation portrayed in South Africa had to affect the German theatergoers, because for them it was also about a second war and the fear of the mothers that sons would fall again - and of course about perseverance, sacrifices and fighting. In any case, ambivalent feelings were generated at the time of the performance, which did not coincide with the propaganda goals. The situation presented was just too similar to the one from which one suffered. So there are two levels of consideration. For the Lübeck performance cf. Jörg Fligge: "Beautiful Lübeck theater world." The city theater during the Nazi dictatorship. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild, 2018. ISBN 978-3-7950-5244-7 . Pp. 254-258, 569.
  4. Information board at the main entrance of the Waldfriedhof Darmstadt