Arnold Ramsden

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Arnold Ramsden (born April 30, 1885 , April 30, 1887 or April 30, 1888 in Prestwich , Lancashire , United Kingdom , † January 6, 1966 in Dallas , Texas , United States ) was an English -American football player and official . In 1957 he was inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame in the "Official" category.

life and career

Arnold Ramsden was born on April 30, 1885, April 30, 1887 or April 30, 1988 in Prestwich, Lancashire, United Kingdom, the second of nine children of Herbert William Ramsden (1863-1900) and Annie Clara Gerrard (1862-1932) born. On October 5, 1907, he married Mary Agnes Reid (1887-1981) at Wesley Chapel in Manchester , with whom he had four children. Together with his wife and firstborn, he emigrated to the United States on August 25, 1909, on the RMS Caronia from Liverpool . The family first came to Philadelphia via the central collection point for immigrants on Ellis Island in New York City , before they settled in the US state of Illinois and lived here for several years.

After a career as a soccer player in his native country and in his new home, he worked as a soccer official in and around Dallas , Texas , where he had lived with his family since the late 1920s. During this time he also served briefly as Commissioner for the US Football Association for Dallas, as well as District Commissioner for the National Amateur Cup . In 1957 he was inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame in the “Official” category, along with the former player and then football coach Vernon Reese for decades . He was also inducted into the North Texas Soccer Hall of Fame and was the Texan correspondent for numerous national soccer publications (similar to the Bill Graham Guides for New York or the National Soccer News for Chicago ).

On January 6, 1966, Ramsden, who was 77, 78 and 80 years old , who was responsible for asthma , died in a nursing home in Dallas; On his death certificate, lung insufficiency due to a ruptured lung cyst as a result of emphysema from his long-standing asthma is mentioned as the cause of death . His funeral took place at Grove Hill Memorial Park in Dallas.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Scan of the death certificate (English), accessed on December 30, 2018
  2. a b
  3. a b Arnold Ramsden on the official website of the US Football Association ( memento of November 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (English), accessed on August 26, 2016
  4. The Year in American Soccer - 1957 ( Memento of the original from August 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English), accessed on August 26, 2016 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. North Texas Soccer Hall of Fame ( Memento from August 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (English), accessed on August 26, 2016