Arnold of Tongeren

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Arnold von Tongern (also: Arnoldus Luydius (a Tongris) or Arnoldus de Tongris ; * around 1470 in Tongern ; † August 28, 1540 in Liège ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian , Augustinian canon and university teacher .


Arnold enrolled at the old University of Cologne in 1486 . After three years in 1489, he obtained his master's degree there and then became court master for Erhard von der Mark , who would later secure him a position as canon in Liège. In 1491 he received a professorship at the artist faculty at Cologne University, and in 1494 he became its dean . In 1509 he finally became a professor of theology, moving to the theological faculty, of which he was dean in 1510/1511. In the academic years 1507/08, 1520/21 and 1524/25 he was also rector of the university. In addition, he was probably there to the doctor doctorate .

Arnold was from 1513 to 1535 canon at the collegiate church of St. Maria ad Gradus in Cologne. He then became canon at the Lambertus Cathedral in Liège. Later he was appointed canon at Cologne Cathedral .

Arnold became known, among other things, as an expert in the Reuchlin dispute . Among other things, this was mockingly received by Ulrich von Hutten . He is said to have been Johannes Eck's teacher . In 1520 he excelled with the burning of Lutheran books in Cologne.

Publications (selection)

  • Epitomata sive reparationes logicae veteris et novae Aristotelis iuxta viam et expositionem Alberti Magni , 2 parts, Quentell, Cologne 1500.
  • Reparationes lectionum et exercitiorum tractatuum parvorum logicalium Petri Hispani et trium modernorum , Quentell, Cologne 1500.
  • Commentaria nove logice Aristotelis , Cologne 1511.
  • Tractatus propositionum alphabeticarum contra Judaeos et blasphemum eorum Talmud , Cologne 1512.
  • Responsio ad argumenta numero 50 sumpta de libello consultationis D. Joannis Reuchlin , Cologne 1512
  • A fundamental and pleasant instruction on how to call the saints in heaven, Christian, according to the scriptures , Lotter, Leipzig 1536.


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