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Artaunon ( ancient Greek ῎Αρταυνον) is in Ptolemy's , Geographike Hyphegesis 2, 10, 14 the name of an unspecified place in Germania with the coordinates 30 ° 10 'Ö.Lä. (about 10 ° 10 'to Greenwich ) and 50 ° 00' n. Br.


The place name was initially referred to Würzburg since humanism . It was only later discovered that many of Ptolemy's places were shifted far to the east, including Novaesium , which appears even further east as Artaunon.

A later reading than ῎Αρκταυνον (= similar to arx tauni ) suggested the mention of a fort in monte Tauno near Tacitus , which is why the place was assumed to be near Friedberg or on the Saalburg . In 1919 this reading was rejected. Another difficulty was the fact that the name Taunus was only transferred to the mountains in the 19th century, which in the Middle Ages were simply called the Höh ' . Whether the ancient written sources meant the same mountain range is not undisputed.

The general consensus was to equate Artaunon with the Heidetränk oppidum near Oberursel . Ultimately, however, you will not be completely certain about it. It should also be remembered that by the time Ptolemy was writing his work, the facilities there were long abandoned, probably even before the arrival of the Romans . Linguistically, the name could be derived from Celtic are (= an, at, before). However, this does not prove the origin of the mountain name from the Celtic.


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Individual evidence

  1. Annales 1, 56.
  2. See Andreas Mengel: Gesucht: Der mons Taunus. In: Egon Schallmayer u. a. (Ed.): The Romans in the Taunus. Frankfurt a. M. 2005, pp. 15-19.
  3. ^ For the first time Karl Schumacher : The πόλεις (oppida) Germania with Ptolemaios. In: Germania 3, 1919, p. 79.
  4. Albrecht Jockenhövel in: Fritz-Rudolf Herrmann , Albrecht Jockenhövel (Hrsg.): The Prehistory of Hesse. Konrad Theiss Verlag Stuttgart, 1990, ISBN 3-8062-0458-6 , p. 295.
  5. ^ Herbert KühnArtaunon (῎Αρταυνον). In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (RGA). 2nd Edition. Volume 1, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1973, ISBN 3-11-004489-7 , p. 438.