Arthur Reinhardt

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Arthur Reinhardt (born April 17, 1893 in Kiel , † December 16, 1973 in Berlin ) was a German actor .


Reinhardt completed six months of speaking and acting training at the theater in his hometown of Kiel and made his debut as an actor in 1919 after his military service from 1914-18. On the stage as in the film, for which he had mainly worked during the Third Reich, Reinhardt gave more or less inconspicuous batches, often only of a short duration.

The rather inconspicuous artist was seen several times in various National Socialist propaganda films (especially Jud Suess , Feinde , Ohm Krüger , Carl Peters , attack on Baku , GPU ). Despite an intensive occupation in those years, Arthur Reinhardt lived in extremely modest circumstances and led a classic small actor life from hand to mouth until his death.


Individual evidence

  1. Biographical data and all biographical information according to the Kay Less film archive

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