Arthur Seedorf

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Arthur Seedorf (* 1903 in Angermünde ; † August 7, 1986 in Schwarzenbach an der Saale ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


Arthur Seedorf completed the Luisenstädtische Oberrealschule in Berlin with the Abitur and studied economics and law in Berlin. He attended evening classes at the Art School of the West and studied for two years in the studio of Ernst Honigberger , Erna Honigberger's husband . From 1943 he worked for an industrial association in Schwarzenbach an der Saale . He was a founding member of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Upper and Lower Franconia. From 1951 to 1981 he held exhibitions in Bayreuth . At the Kunstmuseum Bayreuth his works were part of the exhibition about the Free Group Bayreuth in 2016/2017 , of which he was a founding member. He has also belonged to the Nordfranken group since it was founded and was in charge of it. In addition to him, Anton Richter , Werner Gilles , Ernst Schumacher , Alfred Kutzscher , Karl Bedal and Bruno Goller belonged to the core known as the “Schwarzenbacher Malerguppe” . He was involved in exhibitions in the Franconian region, as well as in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Remscheid, Graz and Bonn. He realized solo exhibitions mainly in the 1970s in Hof , Bayreuth, Bamberg and Schweinfurt . He was married twice. Jens Seedorf (* 1941), also active as a painter, came from his first marriage to Elisabeth. Arthur Seedorf was married to Liselotte, nee Wittgenstein, for the second time.

Artistic creation

Alfred Schmidl characterizes Arthur Seedorf as a landscape painter from an unspectacular Upper Franconia, who, in the course of his work, switched to abstract painting through reduction , but repeatedly took inspiration from nature with colors and shapes. He speaks of “spiritual landscapes” that became darker and gloomy with age and then convey a melancholy mood. By pursuing his own impulses and motives, Seedorf gained distance from wanting to please an audience. In addition to Upper Franconian motifs, there are also works from his region of origin, for example from Himmelpfort and from his travels to Italy, France and Greece. His works are in private and government collections in Europe and the United States.


  • Alfred Schmidl: On the death of Arthur Seedorf . In: Kulturwarte - monthly for art and culture , issue 9/1986. Hof 1986. pp. 237f.
  • City of Schwarzebach (ed.): 25 years exhibition of Schwarzenbach painters . 1991. pp. 66f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Edgar Schindler: The Schwarzenbacher painter group . In: Kulturwarte - monthly for art and culture , issue 9/1956. Pp. 8-12.
  2. Schmidl, p. 238.