August Ludwig Mensching

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August Ludwig Mensching (also: Augustus Ludovicus Mensching and Ludewig Mensching ; * baptized January 15, 1753 in Boizenburg ; † August 23, 1804 in Nienburg an der Weser ) was a German doctor and Hanoverian court medicus .


August Ludwig Mensching was a brother of the later Hofmedicus Johann Heinrich Mensching and was born in 1753 at the time of the Electorate Braunschweig-Lüneburg during the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover . Little is known about his life.

In 1777 Mensching worked as a respondent at the Georg August University in Göttingen for a medical dissertation by Ernst Ludwig Baldinger .

In Hanover, Mensching finally worked as royal and electoral court medicus. On September 18, 1797, he wrote a letter to the director of the Georgianum Johann Georg Heinrich Feder , in which he suggested the establishment of a natural history reading society and the establishment of a suitable scientific library . Barely three months later, on December 11th, 1797, in the "Westernacher'schen Gartenhaus", the Vauxhall amusement bar , the Association called the Hanover Natural History Society (NHG) was founded. Mensching was elected the first director. On the very day of its founding, Mensching signed as director and with him Gottlieb Franz Münter as the society's first secretary, for example, the appointment of master gardener Johann Christoph Wendland , who works in the Herrenhausen Gardens , as a full member of the NHG. The certificate from the former Royal Garden Library in Herrenhausen can be found today in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library and is part of Lower Saxony's cultural heritage .

In the first address book of the city of Hanover for the year 1798, "Ludewig Mensching" was located as a court medic with living and working place on Neuer Weg in the old town.

Fonts (selection)

  • Ernst Ludwig Baldinger , August Ludov Mensching: De Regvlis Generalioribvs In Morborvm Cvrationibvs Vbique Observandis. Ex Decreto Medicorvm Ordinis Praeside Ern. Godofr. Baldinger ... Pro Gradv Doctoris Medicinae D. XXIX. Martii. MDCCLXXVII. Dispvtabit Avgvst. Lvdov. Mensching, Megapolitanvs , Goettingae, Typis Joann. Christian. Dieterich, [1777]; Digitized version of the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)


The Menschingstraße in Hanover, which was laid out in 1924 in the Bult district and leads from Robert-Koch-Platz to Lindemannallee, is said to be named "after an old Hanoverian family" according to the Hanover city directory from 1930. More precisely, it was either named after the secret medical council and director of the Friederikenstift Ernst Georg Moritz Hermann Mensching or - after Hinrich Hesse - after the court medic Ludwig Mensching.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b o. V .: Mensching, August Ludwig as a personal data record in the catalog of the German National Library [undated], last accessed on April 30, 2020
  2. a b c Hannöversches address book for the year 1798 , part address and person directory , I .: Königlich Churfürstl. State Ministry and State Government , here: Hofmedici , p. 21; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library via the German Research Foundation
  3. ^ A b Helmut Zimmermann : Menschingstraße , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 173
  4. ^ Report of the Natural History Society of Hanover (1968), p. 54; Preview over google books
  5. ^ A b c Joachim Gersemann, Hansjörg Küster : Festschrift for the 210th birthday of the Natural History Society Hanover. The early years of the Natural History Society of Hanover. Self-published, Hanover 2007 ( downloadable as PDF document )
  6. ^ Ernst Ludwig Baldinger, August Ludov Mensching: De Regvlis Generalioribvs ... , Hochschullschrift, Göttingen: Johann Christian Dieterich, [1777]; Digitized version of the Göttingen State and University Library
  7. ^ Johann Christoph Wendland: Appointment as a full member of the Natural History Society in Hanover. 1797 , certificate with the signature of Menschings and Münters from October 11, 1797 on the page