Augustin Macheret

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Augustin Macheret

Augustin Macheret (born August 19, 1938 in Vuippens , Gruyère district ) is a former Swiss politician and State Councilor of the canton of Friborg .


Academic career

After primary school in Treyvaux ( Saane district ), Macheret was accepted into the boarding school of the Saint-Charles College in Romont in 1950 and moved to the St. Michael College in 1954 , where he passed a Latin-Greek Matura in 1958 . He completed his legal studies at the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Freiburg with a licentiate in 1962 . He then worked as a lawyer at the Federal Office for Foreigners' Questions in Bern and at the same time prepared his doctorate . As a research assistant at the Center d'études juridiques européennes at the University of Geneva , he completed his doctoral thesis there, which was published under the title "L'immigration en Suisse à l'heure de l'intégration européenne". As a young researcher, the University of Geneva offered him the opportunity to deepen his knowledge at several universities abroad.

Lawyer since 1968, Macheret decided not to practice this profession and pursued an academic career. In 1972 he became an assistant professor at the University of Geneva and at the same time a lecturer at the University of Friborg. In the following year he was appointed full professor of public and international public law in Freiburg. As an associate professor, he also taught in Geneva. In 1974 he was commissioned by the federal authorities and the Jura Constitutional Council to work as an expert on the establishment of the Canton of Jura .

At the age of 45, Augustin Macheret was elected rector of the University of Freiburg in 1983. He was the first to hold this post for two terms, i.e. until 1991. In 1989 he organized the university's centenary. At that time he was also a strong advocate of the project of a Università della Svizzera italiana .


At the invitation of the Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP), Augustin Macheret ran for the Grand Council in the cantonal elections of 1981 and was elected as Saane Land representative. In parliament he submitted proposals in the fields of education, culture, health and institutions.

In 1991 he ran for the Council of State on the CVP list. In the first ballot on November 17, in which no candidate achieved an absolute majority, he was third out of 21 applicants. On December 8th he was elected in the second ballot with 42% of the vote. In 1996, thanks to broad support, he was confirmed in office in the first ballot.

As requested, Augustin Macheret succeeded Marius Cottier as director of education and cultural affairs. In both the government and the CVP he took a center-left position, but also admitted that he “occasionally struggled to see himself as a representative of a party”.

Augustin Macheret headed the cantonal government in 1994 and 1998. The most important realizations of his management included the law on the university, which the Grand Council unanimously passed in 1997, the expansion of the cantonal secondary school (1998) and the construction of the university buildings on the Pérolles level, both of which were approved by the people. Macheret was committed to the creation of an intercantonal grammar school (a Swiss premiere) in the Broye. The controversial pioneering project for learning the partner language in primary school, however, was narrowly rejected in the referendum of September 24, 2000 with 50.4% of the votes.

As Education Director, Augustin Macheret presided over the Conseil supérieur de l'évaluation of the University of Friborg from 1994 to 1996 and from 1995 to 2000 the Swiss University Conference (SUK), which he pushed for complete reorganization. For ten years (1992–2001), the Friborg represented the Swiss cantons at the Francophonie authorities and in this capacity took part in the summit conferences of the heads of state. He received the Cuban head of state Fidel Castro when he paid a private visit to Switzerland in 1998. He appointed the Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle Foundation as cultural director and opened the exhibition space of the same name. In 2000 he inaugurated the Vallon Archaeological Museum .

After his resignation in 2001, Augustin Macheret remained active in various areas. From 2002 he presided over the expansion and renovation of the Vitromusée Romont, the Swiss Museum for Stained Glass and Glass Art. From 2003 to 2009 he headed the Robert A. Naef Foundation, which is associated with the Physics Department of the University of Freiburg. Since 2005 he has headed the Board of Trustees for the preservation of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Freiburg . From 2006 to 2009 he was on the board of directors of Société de la loterie romande .


Macheret's hometown is Rueyres-Saint-Laurent (now Le Glèbe , Saane district). His parents were the teacher Henri Macheret and Marie-Madeleine geb. Menoud. In 1964 he married Elisabeth Van Daele from Belgium. The couple have two children.


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