Railway Santos – Jundiaí

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Santos - Jundiaí
Route length: 140 km
Gauge : 1600 mm ( Irish track )
Power system : 3 kV  =
Maximum slope : 103 
Minimum radius : 300 m
Rack system : Dept
Service / freight station - start of the route
0 Santos 2 m
Station without passenger traffic
21st Raiz da Serra rack beginning 17 m
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Railway station railway cableway
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Railway station railway cableway
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Railway station railway cableway
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Railway station railway cableway
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Station without passenger traffic
30th Paranapiacaba rack end 810 m
Station without passenger traffic
77 São Paulo 730 m
Service / freight station - end of line
140 Jundiaí 710 m
Rack entrance to the Paranapiacaba mountain station

The Santos – Jundiaí railway connects the Brazilian port city of Santos with the cities of São Paulo and Jundiaí . World famous it was through the cable railway of Paranapiacaba.

Technical parameters

Like most Brazilian railways, the single-track 140-kilometer line was built with a gauge of 1,600 millimeters. It is electrified in the area of ​​gear operation with direct current (3 kV) and an overhead line . A maximum speed of 45 km / h is driven in the area of the adhesion section , 30 km / h in the area of ​​the rack during the ascent and 22/25 km / h during the descent.


The line went into operation in 1866. First and foremost, it served to connect the region around São Paulo, in the 19th century the world's leading area in coffee cultivation , with a port on the Atlantic coast . Topographically , this was problematic because São Paulo, which is only 60 kilometers from the sea, is located on an 800 meter high plateau. A height difference of 773 m has to be overcome within only approx. 9 km. A cable car was used for this, a system on which the trains were moved on a rope by stationary steam engines over ramps. The first cable railway was replaced in 1895 by a more powerful second, in turn, from 1974 to 1982 - during which time the cable car and cog railway existed in parallel - by a cog railway to the Abt system was replaced with a dreilamelligen rack, had been built at the since 1968 .

The line was originally operated by Ferroviária Federal SA , which went bankrupt in 1996 . The facility was taken over by MRS Logística SA , which gave up passenger traffic .


Locomotives built by Hitachi were used . They weighed 86.5 t and had a traction power of 2780 kW. They were delivered in 1972 (No. 2001–2008), 1979 (No. 2009–2012) and 1990 (No. 9042 + 9043). In their time they were the most powerful rack-and-pinion locomotives in the world. There are also three corresponding diesel locomotives that are used for route maintenance.

In 2012 and 2013, the Swiss company Stadler Rail delivered seven new locomotives for the rack-and-pinion line, which the manufacturer calls the He 4/4 series. They are the most powerful gear locomotives in the world. There is an option for a further three vehicles. These locomotives are able to move trains weighing 850 t over the cogwheel route with over 5000 kW traction power. In gear operation, around 25% of the drive force is provided by separately driven adhesion drives. All seven locomotives have been in service since May 1, 2013.


The trains are run in packages, i.e. H. Several - usually three - trains with double traction all run in the same direction one after the other, the train headway is 6 minutes. A train takes about 20 minutes for the steep section. The maximum towing or Vorstelllast is 500 tonnes (Hitachi) to give 4 loaded freight cars or 750 tons (Stadler) which corresponds to 6 loaded freight cars. The transport volume of the route is approx. 14 million gross tons per year (this corresponds to about half of the volume through the Gotthard tunnel ). Most of the goods to be transported fall downhill, 80% are iron ore and agricultural products. Since only the locomotives are equipped with brake gears, they are always on the valley side for safety reasons. That means the trains are pushed up the line. For safety reasons, the Hitachi locomotives are only allowed to run in double traction.

Theoretically, the route is in operation around the clock on all seven days, but the trains do not run according to a fixed timetable, but depending on requirements. Once a week, operations are suspended for half a day to maintain the route.


In the former railway depot in Paranapiacaba there is now a railway museum .


  • Buzzelin u. a .: A Ferrovia de Minas, Rio e São Paulo . Rio do Janeiro 2002
  • Walter Hefti : Cable cars all over the world . Birkhäuser, Basel 1975
  • Hans Schlunegger: New locomotives for rack and pinion operation on the Santos - Jundiaí line in Brazil . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 7/2010.
  • Theo Stolz u. a .: The rack and pinion operation on the Santos - Jundiaí line . In: Eisenbahn-Revue international , issue 7/2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SER 4/2014 page 176 According to the Stadler He 4/4 specification, faster uphill 30 km / h downhill 25 km / h)
  2. Stadler builds mega locomotives. (No longer available online.) Stadler Rail AG, archived from the original on March 1, 2010 ; Retrieved February 26, 2010 .
  3. mr: Gear giant is born . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 4/2012, p. 193.
  4. pd / an: The world's most powerful cogwheel locomotive . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 7/2012, pp. 340f.
  5. zbin / mr / an; MRS locomotives in action . In: Eisenbahn-Revue International , issue 7/2013, p. 358f.
  6. Swiss Railway Review 4/2014, page 176
  7. Swiss Railway Review 4/2014, page 176