Balthasar von Castelberg

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Balthasar von Castelberg (born May 17, 1748 in Ilanz , † 1835 in Chur ) was a Swiss Reformed pastor and convert .


Balthasar von Castelberg was born on May 17, 1748 in Ilanz in the Swiss canton of Graubünden as the son of Christoph von Castelberg and Anna Deuther. In 1770 Castelberg was accepted into the Evangelical-Rhaetian Synod and received a position as pastor in Tenna . In 1772 he moved to Sagogn ; two years later to Safien . In the same year he married Elisabeth Sutter.

In 1778 he was released there because he supposedly felt connected to the Moravian Brethren . In 1779 he became a pastor in Almens, where he alternately preached in German and Romansh .

In 1786 von Castelberg returned to his home town of Ilanz, where he became pastor and in 1804 dean of the Gray League . On March 28, 1820 he became vicar of Perouse , but on May 3, 1820 he returned to Ilanz due to missing certificates and became a pastor there. In 1825 (1824?) He gave up his pastoral office, converted to Catholicism in the same year and was expelled from the synod. Castelberg spent the last years of his life at the episcopal court in Chur, where he died in 1835.

Castelberg's son Valentin was expelled from the synod in 1819; he too converted to Catholicism in 1824. He was the main reason for the dispute between his father and the synod.

The grandson of the same name Balthasar (1812–1897), son of Valentins and his wife, b. Barbara Junot, as diocesan priest of the Diocese of Chur, was Episcopal Vicar for Liechtenstein until the end of his life and from 1867 President of the Liechtenstein chapter of priests .


  • Priedi, qual calender and velig prender si? (Coira 1785)
  • Reflexiuns sur il Ritorno da Protestant ner aschi nomnai Reformai tier la s. Baselgia cathoplica et apostolica (1825)


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