Balto - On the trail of wolves

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German title Balto - On the trail of wolves
Original title Balto II: Wolf Quest
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2002
length 75 minutes
Age rating FSK / JMK 0
Director Phil Weinstein
script Dev Ross
production Phil Weinstein
music Adam Berry
cut Jay Bixen,
Ken Solomon

←  Predecessor
Balto - A dog with a hero's heart

Successor  →
Balto III - His greatest adventure

Balto is an American cartoon from Universal Pictures from 2002, directed by, who also produced, Phil Weinstein. It is the sequel to the film Balto - A dog with a hero's heart from 1995. In contrast to its predecessor, the sequel is not based on a real story and was released directly on video and DVD. The plot revolves around Balto becoming a father and helping his daughter Aleu to find her place in the world. In 2003 the sequel Balto - His greatest adventure appeared .


The wolfhound Balto and the husky lady Jenna have offspring. Balto is very happy about this, but sleeps poorly at night because he is plagued by strange dreams about a raven and a pack of wolves. His foster father and best friend Boris, the Snow Goose, believes these dreams have meaning, but Balto believes that dreams mean nothing. Among other things, Boris notices that among the wooden figures on the totem pole in front of Nome there are also a wolf and a raven. For Balto, however, the totem pole only marks the shortest route to Jenna.

Except for daughter Aleu, who is the only one who comes after her father and looks even more like a wolf than himself, all puppies will soon have a new home. Even when Aleu grew up, she still lived with her father. She is playful and spends a lot of time with the two polar bears Muk and Luk. One day a dangerous situation arises when Aleu meets a hunter, misunderstands the situation and thinks he wants to adopt her. At the last moment she is saved by Balto and the others. Aleu wants to know why Balto attacked the man, whereupon he explains to her that the hunter thought she was a wolf. In a subsequent discussion between father and daughter, Balto finally confesses to her that he is half a wolf himself. As a puppy he was separated from his mother, a snow-white wolf, and taken in by Boris. When Aleu realizes that there is wolf blood in her veins and that because of her appearance she will probably never be accepted by humans, she is horrified and runs away. The question of where she belongs doesn't leave her in peace.

That night Balto has one of his dreams again. He hears his mother's voice telling him to track down the animals of the totem pole in order to use them to find the right path: the fox (the cunning fellow), the wolverine (his fears), the bear (the inside Knowledge) and the caribou (life). Balto, who blames himself seriously and blames Aleu for running away, goes in search of his daughter after telling Jenna everything. On his search, he meets the raven from his dreams, which previously emerged from the totem pole. This leads him to the first animal, a vixen. This outwits him and pushes him into a raging river. On the bank of the river, Balto is found by Boris, Muk and Luk, who are also looking for Aleu. He perceives Aleu's smell and follows it while Boris keeps Jenna up to date. Finally, Balto meets the Wolverine Clan who want to scare him. Balto admits that he is afraid, not of them, but of his daughter. Eventually the wolverines disappear as if by magic and Balto is confused. Meanwhile, Aleu has also met the raven and followed him to a cave where the field mouse Muru is also staying. Muru, who is impressed by Aleu's beautiful singing, explains what things can tell you what you are. But you have to find out for yourself who you are, what he explains with a song and a play of light. Strangely enough, Muru also disappeared shortly afterwards, only a drawing on the wall remains. All of a sudden Aleu is attacked by a bear, but Balto comes to his daughter's aid in good time. For a brief moment, Aleu can read the bear's mind and saves herself and her father on a ledge that she learned about through the bear's mind. The bear then also disappears into thin air.

Balto is happy to have found his daughter, but Aleu tells him that she won't come until she finds out who she is. Balto, wondering why he keeps seeing this raven, learns from Aleu that she has also had an encounter with a raven. Finally they both come to the sea, where they are surprised by three wolves led by the wolf Niju. Since Niju fears that Balto and Aleu might steal the rest of their food from them, he orders his companions to catch the strange animals. A fight ensues, which is eventually interrupted by the rising tide. Now the rest of the wolf pack appears, led by the old and wise Nava, who surprisingly knew of Balto and Aleu's arrival. Nava tells his pack that summer is almost over and that the caribou will not come back this year because they have migrated across the sea. This situation is precarious for the pack, as they cannot survive without the caribou. Aniu, the great she-wolf, appeared to Nava in his dreams and prophesied a leader who was a wolf and did not know it. Nava believes that this is Balto. Niju has strong doubts about Nava's leadership based on what he says. He wants to be the leader himself and not want to leave the territory that has been a home for the pack for generations. He suggests stealing from another pack, but Nava is against it, as this pack would then also be forced to steal and they would therefore have to fight for less and less food. When Niju tries to attack Nava, he falls for one of his tricks, which makes him angry. With his attitude, Niju not only makes friends, as Nava has always led the pack well, but some wolves join him anyway. Nava thinks it is possible that Balto's dreams could show the wolves the way. Balto thinks things are going too far and tells Aleu that they are leaving for home tomorrow, but Aleu tells him that it is no longer just about the two of them, but about something much bigger. After all, Aleu has a dream similar to her father's and sees in it how the caribou cross the sea over a kind of bridge made of ice floes. Balto, on the other hand, is going through a change of heart because he no longer wants to and can no longer deny his dreams. The wolves who had already joined Niju also return to the pack, to his horror. When the bridge of ice floes forms, Balto leads the pack over it. But then the ice floe on which Nava is located drifts away. Aleu swims over to him and finds himself between two ice floes crashing into each other, but manages to save himself and ends up on Nava's floe. Suddenly both of them are attacked by the Niju emerging from the water, who overwhelms the Nava. Aleu tries to defend Nava, but Niju overpowers her too and tells her he'll show her where her place is. Balto suddenly appears. He wants to protect his daughter and is even ready to fight Niju, but thinks about it and gives him a choice. The wolves need a leader and Niju wanted to be that leader. But he refuses to leave his home, falls into the water and swims back. Aleu now recognizes her destiny. Your place is with the wolves. Nava was wrong. He was told that a leader would come who was a wolf and didn't know, so he thought it was Balto, but it was Aleu. Balto says goodbye to his daughter, which is very difficult for him. Aleu swims back to the pack and everyone is happy about this outcome. Even Muru reappears for a brief moment. Balto and Nava go back ashore. Nava says goodbye to Balto and goes in search of Niju, as they would not survive without each other. Finally, Balto Aniu appears as a white she-wolf, which makes him realize that it is his mother. Apparently, in the form of the raven and the other animals that Balto and Aleu met, she brought the two together and in this way helped Balto to help Aleu find her place in the world. His dreams evidently indicated what was coming. Finally Balto begins the journey home.


“The original of 'Balto' was one of the absolute highlights of the animated films of the 1990s in 1995 - unfortunately without the great commercial success. Nevertheless, six years later a second part was published especially for the video and DVD market. But this one cannot compete with the forerunner in any way: The story doesn’t go nearly as heartfelt, the music seems randomly and lovelessly interspersed and tension doesn’t arise despite the partly gloomy characters until the end. It's a shame, because you're really happy to see Balto and Jenna again ... "


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Balto 2 - On the trail of wolves at