Bartold Homeister

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Bartold Homeister , also: Bertold Hofmeister or Hohmeister , (* beginning of the 16th century; † March 21, 1565 in Hanover ) a civil servant and mayor in Hanover.



Bartold Homeister was the son of Hans Hovemeister, mentioned in the oldest house book of the city of Hanover, as well as his “ wife Anna, possibly from the Volger family”. He was the father of Bernhard Homeister .


Bartold Homeister studied at the University of Wittenberg from 1522 to 1524, where he belonged to Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon . This is supported by a matriculation entry from 1523 under the name Bartoldus de Hannover .

Homeister married in 1527. Even before the Reformation, he held various offices in Hanover: in 1530 he held the position of “ Burmester ” and in 1532/33 that of “mill owner”. In 1539 he was elected councilor and in 1557 mayor of the city; he held this latter function until 1563.

Homeister, like his son, was buried in the Old St. Nikolai Cemetery.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Klaus Mlynek: Homeister ... (see literature)
  2. a b c d Grotefend, Fiedeler: Bernhard Hohmeister's notes on the history of the city of Hanover. In: Journal of the historical association for Lower Saxony , 1860, p. 194; online through google books
  3. ^ Klaus Mlynek: Homeister, (2) Bernhard. In: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , pp. 177f.