Basil Wallace

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Basil Wallace (born January 12, 1951 in Kingston, Jamaica ) is an American actor .


Wallace was born in Jamaica , his parents emigrated to the United States, where he first grew up in Brooklyn . After high school , he attended New York University .

After many years in the theater, he moved to Los Angeles in 1990 . In the same year he got the role of Screwface , the antagonist of Steven Seagal in To Kill Released . A few more feature film roles followed, and he had guest appearances in numerous successful television series such as Diagnose: Mord , Emergency Room - Die Notaufnahme and Pretender . In 2006 he starred alongside Leonardo DiCaprio in the five Academy Award nominated thriller Blood Diamond .

Filmography (selection)

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Birth date and name reference: Basil Wallace