Benjamin Schlein

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Benjamin Schlein

Benjamin Schlein (born May 28, 1975 in Lugano ) is an Italian-American mathematician who studies mathematical physics.

Schlein studied theoretical physics at the ETH Zurich with a diploma in 1999 and received his doctorate there in 2002 with Jürg Fröhlich . As a post-doctoral student , he was a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute in New York and at Stanford University and Harvard University . In 2006 he became an assistant professor at the University of California, Davis , was at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 2007/08 and lecturer at the University of Cambridge from 2007 to 2010 . In 2010 he became Hausdorff Professor at the University of Bonn and in 2014 Professor at the University of Zurich .

Among other things, it deals with:

  • Derivation of evolution equations from microscopic quantum mechanical many-particle theory, for example the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in Bose-Einstein condensates and the non-linear Hartree equation in the molecular field approximation .
  • Random matrices , especially Wigner matrices, for which he demonstrated universality in 2010 with colleagues like Terence Tao . He also derived the validity of Wigner's semicircle law for the distribution of eigenvalues ​​for the smallest scales.
  • Lieb-Robinson barriers for the time evolution of anharmonic grid systems. They ensure the locality of the dynamics by providing upper bounds for the speed of information propagation in the system.
  • Proof of asymptotic completeness in the scattering theory of nonrelativistic charged particles with photons (Compton scattering).

He is invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 in Rio de Janeiro (Bogoliubov excitation spectrum for Bose-Einstein condensates). In 2006 he received the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize and in 2009 an ERC Starting Grant and the IUPAP Prize for Mathematical Physics for young scientists.

He has Italian and US citizenship. The politician Elly Schlein (2014–19 Member of the European Parliament) is his sister.

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Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Benjamin Schlein in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. Hermitian matrices, in which the entries above the main diagonal are independent random variables with zero mean and equal variance.
  3. Arxiv