Bernd Baron von Maydell

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Bernd Baron von Maydell (born July 19, 1934 in Tallinn ; † May 3, 2018 , also Berend F. von Maydell  ) was a German lawyer and university professor who stood out in particular as a social lawyer .


After relocating from Estonia to the province of Posen and completing school there , von Maydell and his family fled to the west in February 1945 and were accepted into Hesse . He passed his Abitur in 1954 at the Friedrich Wilhelm School in Eschwege . The study of law and economics in Marburg and Berlin followed. The first state examination in law took place in 1958, the doctorate at the University of Marburg in the summer of 1960.

Then von Maydell was a research assistant and lecturer at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . The habilitation took place in 1971 for the subjects civil law , labor law and social security law .

In 1975 von Maydell accepted the chair for social law at the Free University of Berlin , which he held until 1981. He then moved to the University of Bonn and became full professor of civil law, labor and social law. There he also headed the University's Institute for Labor Law and Social Security Law. From 1990 to 1992 he was the spokesman for the graduate school “European and International Business Law”.

In February 1992 von Maydell took over the management of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, founded by Hans F. Zacher . Since then he has also held an honorary professorship at the University of Munich . He also advised Central and Eastern European countries on social reform issues after the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc .

Since his retirement at the end of July 2002, von Maydell had continued and expanded his consultancy work on an international level. He was also a member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung's expert commission on “Aims in Elderly Policy”.

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • Content and functions of a modern national minority law. Represented on the claim of the ethnic groups to have their own schools in Germany . Marburg, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Diss. July 28, 1960.
  • Monetary debt and monetary value. The importance of changes in monetary value on monetary debt . Series of publications by the Institute for Labor and Business Law at the University of Cologne . Volume 32. At the same time: Bonn, Univ., Rechts- u. Political science faculty, habilitation thesis. 1971/72. C. H. Beck. Munich. 1974. ISBN 3-406-04832-3
  • together with Wolfhart Burdenski, Walter Schellhorn: Commentary on the Social Code, General Part . Luchterhand. Neuwied. 1976. ISBN 3-472-12133-5
  • Cooperation between service providers and their relationships with third parties. GK-SGB X 3 . Series of community comments on the Social Security Code. Luchterhand. Neuwied. 1984. ISBN 3-472-14249-9
  • together with Friederike Wütscher (Ed.): Enabling social Europe . Science Ethics and Technology Assessment Series . Volume 26. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 2006. ISBN 978-3-540-29771-0
  • together with Peter Axer , Franz Ruland , Ulrich Becker (eds.): Social Law Handbook (SRH) . 5th edition. Nomos publishing house. Baden-Baden. 2012. ISBN 978-3-8329-6462-7


  • Celebration for the 60th birthday . In: Journal for Social Reform (ZSR). Issue July 7, 1994.
  • Winfried Boecken (Ed.): Social law and social policy in Germany and Europe . Festschrift for Bernd Baron von Maydell. Luchterhand. Neuwied. 2002. ISBN 3-472-05183-3
  • Andreas Hänlein, Angelika Nussberger: Bernd Baron von Maydell . In: JuristenZeitung . tape 73 , no. 12 , June 15, 2018, ISSN  0022-6882 , p. 620–621 , doi : 10.1628 / jz-2018-0152 .
  • Franz Ruland : Bernd Baron von Maydell (1934-2018) - an obituary , in: NZS 2018, 488.
  • Boecken / Borchert / Breuer / Eylert / Knieps / Kreikebohm / Kretschmer / Kunze / Majerski-Pahlen / Steinmeyer: Obituary Prof. Dr. Bernd Baron von Maydell, in: NZS 2018, 570.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd von Maydell , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 8, 2018, page 20 (short obituary for von Maydell).
  2. Obituaries , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, May 9, 2018, accessed on June 19, 2018.
  3. ^ According to the data set at the German National Library. Retrieved April 20, 2014.
  4. Unless otherwise indicated, the description of the curriculum vitae and the awards follows: Curriculum Vitae on the website of the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy , Munich. Without a date. Accessed on April 20, 2014. - Also: Gerhard Köbler: MAYDELL Bernd Baron von, Prof. Dr. . In: Lawyers. Who is who in German law . Without a date. Retrieved April 20, 2014.
  5. Tytuł doktora honoris causa Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego dla Profesora Bernda Barona von Maydell | Serwis główny UG. In: June 18, 2013, accessed on March 27, 2016 (Polish, press release from the University of Gdansk on the award of an honorary doctorate).