Bernhard Kagan

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Bernhard Kagan

Bernhard Kagan (born August 15, 1866 in Grodno , † November 27, 1932 in Berlin ) was a German chess player , journalist , publisher and patron in Berlin.

Chess player

Kagan mainly took part in local tournaments: 7th 1898, 7th – 9th. 1902, 6. 1903, split 2. 1923, 7. – 10. 1925. He was divided 4th in Hanover in 1902, 6-7. in Ostend 1907, 10th in Prague 1908.

Kagan (standing) in the 1918 Berlin tournament


After the First World War , Kagan organized several tournaments in Berlin from 1918 to 1920. Emanuel Lasker , Akiba Rubinstein , Carl Schlechter and Siegbert Tarrasch played in the most popular tournament in the Kerkau Palace from September 28 to October 11, 1918 . In 1921 he organized Alekhine matche against Teichmann and suede .


During the First World War he supported interned Russian chess players in Germany, including Bogoljubow , Romanowski , Selesnjow .


Kagan was the author of a number of chess monographs. From 1917 to 1927 he published Kagan's chess catalog . From 1921 to 1932 he was the editor of the first quarterly, later monthly magazine Kagan's Latest Chess News . In the appendix to this magazine there was an overview of numerous chess tournaments of that time.

Publications (selection)

  • Kagan, Bernhard: The Rubinstein-Schlechter chess competition from Jan. 21 to 30, 1918 in Berlin. Berlin, Verlag Bernhard Kagan, 1918
  • Kagan, Bernhard: Chess master Erich Cohn. Berlin, Verlag Bernhard Kagan, 1918
  • Kagan, Bernhard: The Grand Master Tournament in the Kerkau Palace in Berlin in October 1918. Berlin, Verlag Bernhard Kagan, 1918
  • A. Selesnieff, Em. Lasker: 35 endgame studies by chess master A. Selesnieff . Bernhard Kagan publishing house, Berlin 1919
  • Kagan, Bernhard: The chess boy Samuel Rzeschewski in America. Berlin, Bernhard Kagan Publishing House, 1921
  • Kagan, Bernhard: Alechin-Teichmann chess competition, played in June 1921 in the Berlin chess home. Berlin, Bernhard Kagan Publishing House, 1921
  • AA Troitzky : 500 endgame studies . Berlin, Bernhard Kagan chess publisher, 1924

Individual evidence

  1. Name Index to Jeremy Gaige's Chess Tournament Crosstables , An Electronic Edition, Anders Thulin, Malmö, September 1, 2004 ( Memento from April 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Saweli Jurewitsch Dudakow: Kaissa i Wotan. Jerusalem / Moscow 1909, p. 100. ISBN 978-5-98575-356-1 . ( Digitized version )