Bernhard von Scheibler (District Administrator, 1785)

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Bernhard Edler von Scheibler (born February 13, 1785 in Eupen ; † April 20, 1837 there ) was a Prussian district administrator and Belgian commissioner for neutral Moresnet .

Live and act

Bernhard von Scheibler was the son of the Monschau cloth manufacturer Bernhard Paul Edler von Scheibler (1758–1805) and Caroline Eleonora Böcking (1761–1839), daughter of the banker Richard Böcking from Trarbach , and grandson of the Monschau cloth manufacturer Bernhard Georg von Scheibler (1724– 1786). He followed his cousin Bernhard Georg Edler von Scheibler, the Younger (1783-1860), to Eupen, where this in the tradition of Monschauer clothier family Scheibler wanted to expand and in 1807 the first mechanical woolen mill built. Bernhard von Scheibler also quickly gained a considerable reputation there as battalion leader of the citizen militia and, after the reorganization of the Prussian Rhine provinces , was appointed the first Prussian district administrator of the newly formed district of Eupen in the administrative district of Aachen on November 9, 1815 . Scheibler distinguished himself here both during the reorganization of this circle and later through his careful and cooperative behavior during the Belgian Revolution in 1830, where he campaigned for the establishment of the Belgian state.

Having become aware of him in this way, the Belgian royal family appointed Scheibler from 1830 as Belgian commissioner for the administration of Neutral Moresnet. Three years earlier, on January 12, 1827, at Scheibler's suggestion, the later Eupener Zeitung had been founded under the initial name “Korrespondenzblatt des Kreises Eupen” . This initially appeared once a week and was later given the addition "Official District Gazette".

Lontzen Castle - family residence

For his numerous services, Bernhard von Scheibler was received by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. with the Red Eagle 3rd class with bow and by the Belgian King Leopold I to the Order of Leopold excellent.

Bernhard von Scheibler was married to Magdalena Paulus, with whom he had a daughter and two sons, one of whom Bernhard Paul Friedrich Hugo von Scheibler (1825-1888) was appointed justice of the peace and the Prussian district administrator of the Monschau district and raised to the baron status has been.

The Bernhard von Scheibler family lived in Lontzen Castle , where his children were born. In 1872, his son Bernhard had the Neuhaus house expanded as a new residence near by.


  • Victor Gielen: The Eupen district under Prussian rule 1815 to 1920. Markus-Verlag, Eupen 1972.
  • Carl Johann Heinrich Scheibler: History and genealogy of the Scheibler family. Cologne 1895 ( digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf ).
  • Walter Scheibler : The history and fate of a company in six generations (1724–1937). Aachen 1937.
  • Hans Carl Scheibler and Karl Wülfrath : West German pedigrees. Weimar 1939.
  • Elisabeth Nay-Scheibler: The story of the Scheibler family. In: Scheibler-Museum Rotes Haus Monschau Foundation. Cologne 1994.
  • Josef Mangoldt: The rise and fall of the cloth industry in Monschau in the 18th and 19th centuries. In: Scheibler-Museum Rotes Haus Monschau Foundation. Cologne 1994.
  • Landschaftsverband Rheinland: A society of migrants, small-scale migration and integration of textile workers in the Belgian-Dutch-German border region at the beginning of the 19th century. Transcript, Bielefeld 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ House Neuhaus