Bernhardinus de Moor

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Bernhardinus de Moor

Bernhardinus de Moor also: Bernhard de Moor (born January 29, 1709 in Maassluis , † July 18, 1780 in Gouda ) was a Dutch Reformed theologian.


The son of the preacher Bernhardinus de Moor (born August 11, 1671 in Gouda, born April 3, 1743 in Gouda) and his second wife Maria de Jongh (* Maassluis, born November 11, 1750 in Gouda), attended the Latin school in Gouda, where his father worked as a pastor. His grandfather was the professor of medicine at the University of Groningen and Harderwijk Bartolomeus de Moor (1649-1724). In 1726 he began studying theology at the University of Leiden , with Johannes a Marck and Johannes Wessel as his formative teachers. In 1730 he continued this at the University of Utrecht where Johann van den Honert , Johannes Ens , Hieronymus Simons van Alphen and David Mill taught at the theological faculty. He developed into a representative of the orthodox reformed theological direction of Gisbert Voetius .

In February 1732 he had received a pastor's office in Ingen and on June 13, 1734 he moved to the pastor's office in Broek in Waterland. During that time he had continued his theological studies. The highlight of the same is likely to have been his doctorate in theology , which he received on September 25, 1736 in Leiden under Wessel with his dissertation περί χαιρων άναψύξεως . After he took over a pastor's office in Oost- Zaandam on October 26, 1738 and in Enkhuizen in 1743 , he was appointed professor of theology at the University of Franeker on March 11, 1744 . Before he could give his introductory speech there, he was reappointed to the University of Leiden on April 7, 1745.

There he gave his inaugural address de imperfecta ecclesiae militant is felicitate on June 21, 1745 . Here he taught dogmatics , exegesis and church history . In Leiden he also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1756/57 , which he resigned from with the speech de eo, quod nimium est in scientia theologica. On April 19, he retired from his professorship and left a foundation of 4,000 guilders to support students from Lithuania. He spent his last lifetime in Gouda.


On September 18, 1748, Moor met Alida Friderica Montanus (born May 6, 1717, Culemborg, † 1768 in Leiden, born June 14, 1768 in Utrecht), the daughter of the pastor in Culemborg Fridericus Montanus (* 4 March 1667 in Utrecht; † January 20, 1740) and his wife Anna Cornelia Blom († November 6, 1758) married.


  • Disputatio de justitia vindicativa Deo essentiali. Leiden 1730.
  • Dissertation περί χαιρων άναψύξεως ad locum Acta III, 19. Leiden 1736.
  • Afscheid speech in de Gorcumsche Synod. Gorcum 1737.
  • Levi's Leeramt en offerwerk. Vreemde boulieden in des Heeren temple. De priesterlijke show. Des Heeren Thummim en Urim, of intree- en af ​​Scheidsredenen over Deut. XXXIII, 10, Malachi IV, 4, 5. 6, Zach. VI, 15, Num. VI, 22, 27 en Deut. XXIII, 8a, uitgesproken voor de gemeenten van Ingen, Broek in Waterland en Oostsaandam. Amsterdam 1739.
  • Afscheidrede van Enkhuysen en first academic kerkrede te Franeker, over hand. XIV, 23, en I Cor. III, 2-15. Franeker 1745.
  • Oratio de imperfecta ecclesiae militant is felicitate. Leiden 1745.
  • In the meantime redevoering over the onvolmaakten Gelukstaat der strijdende kerk op aarde. Leiden 1745.
  • B. Hulsius, Een Christelijk gebed tot God Almachtig voor het vaderland in de kerke in deze oorlogstijden, ter Lageheyd van weekelijksche Bede-uuren met een aanprijzing van den heer BdM Leiden 1747.
  • Gedachtenis, zo van zynen dienst meant in different ways, in intree- en af ​​scheids-speeches, as van des Heeren oordelen en zegeningen over het land of byzondere steden, in different empty-speeches. Leiden 1752.
  • Paul opgetrokken in den derden hemel, en van den Satan met vuysten struck; of twee voiceless over 2 Cor. XII.2-4, with a voorbericht aangaande de Samenspraken of the hemellingen van Jacob Groenewegen. Suffering 1753.
  • Het kort grip en de zekere vastigheid the apostolic emptiness; van Petrus posted in het eerste hoofdstuk van zijnen Tweeden General Zendbrief. Nader went into action. Leiden 1756.
  • Oratio de eo quod nimium est in scientia theological. Leiden 1757.
  • Commentarius perpetuus in Joh. Marckii Compendium theologiae christianae didactico-elencticum. Leiden 1761–1778, 7th vol.
  • Aanmerkingen op de Orde des Heils, volgens withered Godt aan byzondere people Zijne zaligmakende genade gives, door D. Kleman. Leiden 1775.
  • Leydens ontzet gevierd op den jaarlijksche Dankdag in 't jaar 1746 and herdrukt the occasionheid van den twee hondersten verjaardag dier gebeurtenis. Leiden 1774.
  • Oudeen nieuwe dingen, of Leer-talkenen, both uit het Oude en Nieuwe Testament; the thought of van zynen preaching the intended nailing. Leiden 1779.


  • Johann Christoph Strodtmann: The new learned Europe. Johann Christoph Meißner, Wolfenbüttel, 1757, vol. 11, p. 593 ( online )
  • Johann Christoph Adelung , Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : Continuations and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico, in which the writers of all classes are described according to their most distinguished living conditions and writings. Georg Jöntzen, Bremen 1813, vol. 4, col. 2070.
  • D. Nauta: MOOR, BERNHARDINUS DE . In: Biografisch Lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlands Protestantisme. Uitgevers Maatschappij JH Kok, Kampen 1988, ISBN 90-242-4461-7 , vol. 3, p. 273.
  • Frederik Samuel Knipscheer: MOOR (Bernhardinus de) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 10. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 647–648 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1937, reprinted unchanged).
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1869, vol. 12, part 2, p. 1037, ( online , Dutch)
  • Barend Glasius: Biographical Woordenboek van Nederlandsche Godgeleerden. Muller Brothers, 's-Hertogenbosch, 1853, Vol. 2, p. 531, ( online , Dutch)

Web links

  • JW Niemeijer: Ds. Bernhardinus de Moor (1709 - 1780) en zijn portret op de zolder Neeltje Pater. In: Out Broek in Waterland . 2002 ( PDF )