Lords of Neuffen

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Coat of arms of those of Neiffen (Nifen) in the Zurich coat of arms from around 1340

The Lords of Neuffen (older spelling of Neifen or von Neyffen) were a noble family of Swabian counts who were among the most important families in the Duchy of Swabia in the 12th and 13th centuries .


The family first appears in the sources with Mangold von Sulmetingen from the noble family of the Lords of Sulmentingen , who built Hohenneuffen Castle as a supporter of the papal party in the investiture dispute between 1100 and 1120 . By marrying Mathilde from the family of the Counts of Urach , he joined one of the important Swabian noble families . Mangold's son Egino was the first of the family to name himself after Neuffen Castle. He and his descendants can be found several times in the wake of the Welfen and Zähringer . About Berthold I's marriage to Adelheid, the daughter of the last Count of Gammertingen , in 1170 he was given the Grafschaft Achalm and the title of Count.

In the last decade of the 12th century, the family under Berthold I made a move to the Hohenstaufen dukes of Swabia, Berthold 's son of the same name became the protonotary of Friedrich II and Bishop of Brixen, and his two other sons Heinrich and Albert are also frequently attested at the royal court . In the late reign of Frederick, however, Heinrich and his sons are on the side of the emperor's opponents and first support the uprising of Henry (VII) , later the Pope and the anti-king Heinrich Raspe .

The main line of the family already died out with Heinrich's sons Heinrich II and Gottfried von Neuffen . Their property, the counties Neuffen and Achalm, fell to the Marstetter line founded by Albert. Albert's grandson Berthold IV sold Neuffen Castle to his brother-in-law Konrad von Weinsberg in 1284 , but otherwise he managed to consolidate the family property around Weißenhorn . He himself married Jutta, the heir to Count Gottfried von Marstetten, and his son Albert II was married to Elisabeth, heir to Count Berthold III. von Graisbach, married. From this marriage, the most important member of the family emerged with Berthold V. As Imperial Vicar for Italy and Captain of Upper Bavaria, he was one of the closest confidants of Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria .

Berthold's only legitimate son, Berthold, was no more able to continue the line as Canon of Augsburg than the illegitimate son Konrad von Weißenhorn. The daughters Elisabeth and Margarete also entered the clerical status as abbess of Niederschönenfeld and Clarissess of Munich. Berthold's third daughter Anna finally married Friedrich the Wise , so that the allodial goods of the family such as the counties of Marstetten and Graisbach fell to the Wittelsbach family.

Coat of arms of the von Neifen in Siebmacher's coat of arms books (1911)

coat of arms

The coat of arms shows three hip horns with cords. You can find them in different colors, for example in silver with red strings on a blue shield or in gold with silver strings on a red shield. The coat of arms in Nikolaus Thomans Weissenhorn Chronicle shows silver horns with golden strings on a red background. The Zurich coat of arms, in turn, shows three silver hip horns with red strings in black. Two such hip horns on the helmet.

Tribe list

  1. Mangold († August 11, 1122), Lord of Sulmetingen
    ∞ Mathilde, daughter of Count Eginos von Urach
    1. Egino († after 1147), Count of Neuffen
      ∞ Werntrud
    2. Liutfried († after 1160), Count of Neuffen
      ∞ NN
      1. Bertold I, (1160–1221), Count of Weißenhorn, Neuffen and Achalm
        ∞ Adelheid († after 1208), daughter of Adalbert II, Count of Achalm-Hettingen
        1. Mathilde († 1225), abbess of the Obermünster Abbey in Regensburg
        2. Berthold († 1224), protonotary of Frederick II and Bishop of Brixen
        3. Adelheid (* around 1170/75 † around 1240),
          1st oo Konrad III. Count of Heiligenberg († 1208); 2. oo Gottfried Graf von Sigmaringen-Helfenstein († 1241)
        4. Heinrich I (around 1200–1246), Count of Neuffen and Achalm
          ∞ Adelheid, daughter of Gottfried, Count of Winnenden
          1. Heinrich II. († after 1275)
            1. filia (Anna?)
              ∞ Wernhard von Schaunberg
            2. Bertold IV. († 1292)
            3. Albert III († after 1287)
            4. Rudolf
            5. Liutgard († 1299)
              Conrad IV. The Younger von Weinsberg
          2. Bertold († after 1258), Canon of Augsburg
          3. Jutta († 1237)
            Konrad von Winterstetten , Reichsschenk
          4. Gottfried († after 1259), minstrel ,
            ∞ Mechthild
            1. Rudolf
            2. Maria
              ∞ Ulrich, from Magenheim
          5. Adelheid († 1248)
            Egino V. , Count of Freiburg and Urach
        5. Albert I (1216–1245), Count of Neuffen
          ∞ Liutgard von Eberstein
          1. Bertold II. († after 1274)
            ∞ Berchta, daughter of Gottfried, Count of Marstetten
            1. Bertold III.
            2. Gottfried († 1315), provost of St. Moritz zu Augsburg
            3. Mechthild († after 1267)
              (I) ∞ Rudolf III., Count of Rapperswil ; (II) ∞ Hugo I., Count of Werdenberg
            4. Elisabeth († 1304), Abbess of the Baindt Monastery
          2. Albert II. († 1306)
            ∞ Elisabeth, daughter of Bertold III., Count of Graibach
            1. Elisabeth († after 1354)
              ∞ Ulrich von Abenberg
            2. Bertold V. († 1342)
              (I) ∞ Elisabeth, daughter of Ulrichs, count of Truhendingen ; (II) ∞ Agnes, daughter of Frederick IV , burgrave of Nuremberg
              1. (I) Elisabeth († after 1333)
                ∞ Gebhard von Hohenlohe in Brauneck
              2. (I) Berthold, Canon of Augsburg
              3. (II) Anna († 1380)
                Friedrich , Duke of Bavaria-Landshut
              4. (I) Elisabeth († after 1376), Abbess of the Niederschönenfeld Monastery
              5. (I) Margarete († 1403), Clariss in Munich
              6. (?) Konrad von Weißenhorn († after 1378)
            3. Klara († 1339)
              ∞ Johannes I. von Waldburg , Reichstruchsess
            4. Anna († after 1337), abbess of the Niederschönfeld Monastery
            5. Hedwig († 1342)
              ∞ Konrad von Gundolfingen
            6. Elisabeth
              ∞ Hermann Spät von Faimingen
            7. Uta
              ∞ Konrad the Biedermann von Rechberg zu Staufeneck
          3. Konrad, Canon of Augsburg
          4. Uta
            ∞ Eberhard, Count of Kirchberg
    3. Ulrich († before 1150), monk in the Zwiefalten monastery
    4. Mathilde († before 1150) nun in the Zwiefalten monastery


  • Hansmartin Decker-Hauff : Berthold von Neuffen. In: Swabian Life Pictures. Vol. VI. Stuttgart 1957, pp. 28-40.
  • Immo Eberl: Neuffen, family. In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages, Vol. VI. Munich, Zurich 1993, column 1101.
  • Sarah Hadry: The gentlemen of Neuffen, founders of Weißenhorn. In: Erich Mennel, Wolfgang Ott (eds.): Weißenhorner Profile 1160–2010. Contributions and investigations into the history of the city (= catalogs and publications of the Weißenhorn local history museum 5). Weißenhorn 2010, pp. 7–21.
  • Carl August Kornbeck: About the Lords of Neuffen and their relationships with the county of Marstetten and the city of Ulm. In: Württembergische Vierteljahrshefte für Landesgeschichte 3 (1880), pp. 45–48.
  • Hans-Martin Maurer: The noble gentlemen from Neuffen and Sperberseck. A personal history investigation. In: Journal for Württemberg State History 25 (1966), pp. 59–130.
  • Thomas Zotz:  Neuffen. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-428-00200-8 , p. 117 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Schwennicke, Detlef: European family tables. Family tables on the history of the European states. New series Volume XII, Swabia, panel 57,65,80

Web links

Commons : Herren von Neuffen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Nikolaus Thoman : Chronicle of Weissenhorn , manuscript [around 1600]. Cantonal Library of Thurgau , Y 155. Provenance: Buxheim Charterhouse
  2. J. Siebmacher's large and general book of arms, VI. Volume, 2nd section, plate 6, p. 14; Dead aristocracy from Württemberg; Author: GA Seyler; Publication: Nuremberg: Bauer & Raspe, 1911
  3. Mirjam Eisenzimmer: Regesten Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria . Ed .: Michael Menzel. tape 10 : Middle and Upper Franconia. Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-412-22180-5 , pp. 192 f. No. 305 note 2 .