Betonica scardica

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Betonica scardica
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Mint family (Lamiaceae)
Subfamily : Lamioideae
Genre : Betonien ( Betonica )
Type : Betonica scardica
Scientific name
Betonica scardica

Betonica scardica is a plant from the genus of Betonien ( Betonica ) within the family of Labiatae (Lamiaceae). It occurs in south-east Europe .


Differentiation from other types

Betonica scardica is fundamentally different from all other European Betonica species due to the felty hairs (recognizable under the microscope as star hairs), the white flowers, the oval-elliptical leaf blades, and the leaves that do not shrink on the stem . The closest morphologically related is Betonica betoniciflora from Central Asia.

Vegetative characteristics

Betonica scardica is a perennial herbaceous plant and reaches heights of 30 to 60, rarely up to 90 centimeters. It forms an underground, nodular rhizome as a survival organ. The upright to ascending stem is densely covered, especially in the upper part, with backward-pointing limb hairs and felty star hairs ( indument ). The leaves stand together in a basal rosette . The leaves are tomentose underneath with star hairs. The basal leaves are oval-elliptical, two to three, rarely four times as long as they are wide, with up to 3 centimeters long petiole, dead at flowering time. The four to seven pairs of stem leaves are elongated-elliptical, roughly crenate to serrate, weakly heart-shaped to truncated at the base; dense and tomentose on both sides, covered exclusively with star hair on the underside; green on top, gray-green on the underside.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends from June to September. The inflorescence is up to 12 centimeters long, the lower false whorls are usually clearly separated, the upper false whorls in a compact false ear . The bracts are narrowly elliptical, pointed.

The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The 9 to 15 millimeter long, hairy sepals are hairy mainly in the upper part and on the 3 to 5 millimeter long calyx teeth. The corolla is white, rarely tinged with pink. The corolla tube has no hair ring inside. The 15 to 20 millimeter long lower lip has dark purple to violet sap marks . The anthers are purple in color.

The partial fruits are 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters long and 1.5 to 2 millimeters wide.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 16.


Betonica scardica occurs in Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece. It thrives in the montane to subalpine altitude range at altitudes of 400 to 2100 meters. Betonica scardica inhabits dry meadows and dwarf shrub communities , open coniferous forests; on limestone or other rock, often on serpentine .

Betonica scardica is described from Serbia from a broad spectrum of warmth-loving forest communities : for example, from warmth-loving armored pine forests such as the armored pine autumn blue grass forest (Pinetum heldreichii-Seslerietum autumnalis) or various black pine associations (Pinetum silvestris-nigrae).


The first description of Betonica scardica was made in 1844 by August Grisebach in Specilegium Florae Rumeliacae et Bithynicae . Grisebach collected this species in the then Ottoman Empire and gave the Ljuboten as the type locality , the easternmost high mountain peak in the Šar Planina . The specific epithet scardica is derived from the Latin name Mons Scardus for the Šar Planina, the border mountains between Macedonia and Kosovo.

The syntypes are in Kew, in Philip Edmond Bossier's Herbarium of the Flora Orientalis in Geneva, and in Göttingen.

Synonyms for Betonica scardica Griseb. are: Stachys scardica (Griseb.) Hayek , Betonica graeca Boiss. & Spruner , Betonica officinalis var. Cernagorae Beck & Szysz.



  • Marianne Jeker: Taxonomic and phytochemical investigations in the genus Betonica L. (= Diss. ETH. Volume 10312). Dissertation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich 1993.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Marianne Jeker: Taxonomic and phytochemical investigations in the genus Betonica L. (= Diss. ETH. Volume 10312). Dissertation, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich 1993. p. 68
  2. ^ Reba Bhattacharjee: Taxonomic studies in Stachys: II - A new infrageneric classification of Stachys L. In: Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh , Volume 38, Issue 1, 1980, pp. 65-96. See page 74.
  3. ^ A b Claus Baden: Stachys. In: Arne Strid, Kit Tan (Ed.): Mountain Flora of Greece. Volume 2, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 1991, ISBN 0-7486-0207-0 , pp. 100-101.
  4. Betonica scardica at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  5. Flora Bosnae et Hercegovinae , IV Sympetalae, Pars 3. Borivo Covic (ed.), Zemaljski Muzej BiH, Sarajevo 1974, p. 24
  6. ^ Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Betonica scardica. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved September 14, 2019.
  7. ^ Nedeljko Diklić 1974: Lamiales - Lamiaceae. In: Mladen Josifovic (Ed.) 1974: ФЛОРА СР СРБИЈЕ VI. Academie Serbie des Sciences et des Art, Belgrade. P. 414