Diocese of Ihosy

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Diocese of Ihosy
Basic data
Country Madagascar
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Fianarantsoa
Diocesan bishop Fulgence Razakarivony MS
surface 40,900 km²
Parishes 3 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Residents 493.091 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics 85,536 (2016 / AP 2017 )
proportion of 17.3%
Diocesan priest 21 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious priest 16 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Catholics per priest 2,312
Friars 26 (2016 / AP 2017 )
Religious sisters 127 (2016 / AP 2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language French

The diocese Ihosy ( lat. : Dioecesis Ihosiensis ) is in Madagascar preferred Roman Catholic diocese based in Ihosy .


The diocese of Ihosy was on April 13, 1967 by Pope Paul VI. built with the Apostolic Constitution Mirifice sane from cessions of territory of the dioceses of Fort-Dauphin and Farafangana and subordinated to the Archdiocese of Fianarantsoa as a suffragan .

Bishops of Ihosy

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Mirifice sane , AAS 59 (1967), n.16, pp. 1032f.