Björt framtíð

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Björt framtíð
Bright future / Bright future
Party leader Björt Ólafsdóttir (as of 2017)
Secretary General Theodóra S. Þorsteinsdóttir (as of 2017)
founding 4th February 2012
Headquarters Reykjavík
Alignment Left-wing liberalism , eco - liberalism , pro-European politics
Colours) purple
Parliament seats

Björt framtíð is an Icelandic political party that was founded on February 4, 2012. Your name is translated as "Bright Future" or "Shining Future".

At the time it was founded, the new party consisted of Guðmundur Steingrímsson (chairman, formerly Progressive Party ) and Róbert Marshall (formerly Alliance ), two members of the Icelandic parliament Althing who had left their party. The Björt Framtíð committed to "openness, liberalism and environmental protection". She is in favor of Iceland joining the EU and adopting the euro . Björt framtíð maintained contacts with the parliamentary group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament , which also included the German liberal Free Democratic Party .


Guðmundur Steingrímsson was elected as a candidate for the Progress Party in the Althing , but later left this party. In 2012 he founded together with the locally in Reykjavik successful Best Party (Best Party) the Björt Framtíð that with BF also have the same initials has. The party was founded with a view to participating in the 2013 general election in Iceland (April 27). Your party letter is A. As of 2013, the party executive committee included Jón Gnarr , former mayor of Reykjavík, and other personalities who had already appeared as exponents of Besti flokkurinn .

In the 2013 parliamentary election, the party achieved 8.2% and moved into the Althing with six seats. In the early election on October 29, 2016 , Björt framtíð received 7.2% of the vote, leaving the party with four seats in the Althing. Since January 11, 2017 she was involved in a coalition government made up of the Independence Party , Viðreisn and Björt framtíð. The Bjarni Benediktsson cabinet (2017) included two representatives from Björt framtíð, Óttarr Proppé (health) and Björt Ólafsdóttir (environment and natural resources).

In September 2017 Björt framtíð announced that he would be leaving the coalition. As a result, the Bjarni Benediktsson cabinet broke up and a new election was held early . In this election Björt framtíð received only 1.22% of the vote and could no longer move into the Althing. Óttarr Proppé resigned as party chairman, his successor was Björt Ólafsdóttir. Since then the party has not emerged in Icelandic politics. Their website has been switched off and the last post on their Facebook page appeared in January 2019. However, according to the Icelandic commercial register , where Guðmundur Steingrímsson is entered as chairman, it still exists.

Party leader

Web links


  1. ^ Wolfram Nordsieck: Iceland ( English ) In: Parties and Elections in Europe . 2017. Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  2. Stjórnmálayfirlýsing ( Icelandic ) Björt framtíð. February 4, 2012. Archived from the original on April 20, 2016. Retrieved on April 15, 2013.
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  6. ^ Um Bjarta framtíð ( Icelandic ) Björt framtíð. Archived from the original on May 3, 2013. Retrieved April 30, 2013: "Björt framtíð kennir sig við víðsýni, frjálslyndi og umhverfisvernd"
  7. Björt framtíð . In: The Reykjavík Grapevine . No. 4 , April 2013, p. 20 ( online ).
  8. Iceland's newest political party gets shiny new name ( English ) In: IceNews . January 7, 2012. Retrieved April 15, 2013.
  9. Stjórn BF stækkar ( Icelandic ) Björt framtíð. June 18, 2013. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  10. Útreikningar á úthlutun þingsæta samkvæmt úrslitum kosninga til Alþingis April 27, 2013 ( Icelandic , PDF) Landskjörstjórn. Retrieved July 18, 2016.
  11. General Elections 2016 in Iceland ( English ) In: Iceland Monitor . October 30, 2016. Retrieved November 4, 2016.
  12. Brynjólfur Þór Guðmundsson: Þetta eru ráðherrarnir í nýrri ríkisstjórn ( Icelandic ) RÚV. January 10, 2017. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  13. aev / Reuters: Political scandal: government in Iceland is breaking apart . In: Spiegel Online . September 15, 2017. Retrieved September 15, 2017.
  14. Kosningavakan 2017 ( Icelandic ) In: . Ríkisútvarpið . October 29, 2017. Retrieved October 29, 2017.
  15. Brynjólfur Þór Guðmundsson: Björt og Theodóra Leida Bjarta Framtíð ( Icelandic ) In: . Ríkisútvarpið. November 25, 2017. Retrieved November 26, 2017.
  16. Björt framtíð ( Icelandic ) In: Facebook . Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  17. Björt framtíð (4401120130) ( Icelandic ) In: Fyrirtækjaskrá [Icelandic Commercial Register] . Ríkisskattstjóri. Retrieved June 11, 2020.
  18. Whether Guðmundur Steingrímsson is the current party chairman again or whether the party chairman was not updated in the commercial register could not be determined.