Black (2005)

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Original title Black
Country of production India
original language Hindi
Publishing year 2005
length 122 minutes
Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali
script Sanjay Leela Bhansali,
Bhavani Iyer ,
Prakash Kapadia
production Sanjay Leela Bhansali
music Monty Sharma
camera Ravi K. Chandran
cut Bela Segal

Black is a Hindi - Drama by Sanjay Leela Bhansali from the year 2005 . The story of Black is based on The Story of My Life by Helen Keller , which inspired films like The Miracle Worker with her memoirs even before Black .


Black is the story of a teacher and his student. Debraj Sahai is a teacher for deaf mute and blind children due to excessive alcohol consumption at the end of his career. Then he receives the assignment from Katherine and Paul McNally to teach their daughter Michelle. This assignment is also the last resort for Michelle's parents, who accept the neglect of their child out of insecurity before they break with their daughter's handicap.

Arriving at the McNally house, Sahai proves unusual teaching methods. The child, who has so far been neglected because of his handicap, has reached its limits that make Paul McNally so disgusting that he immediately dismisses Sahai. When he has to go on a twenty day business trip, Sahai convinces mother Katherine to give him the twenty days. And in fact he manages to penetrate Michelle's black world and teach her the meaning of words and basic behavior.

Years later, Sahai is still Michelle's teacher. The young lady is now sufficiently educated to want to go to college. In their dream of graduating Michelle, they both drop new hurdles. But both get up again. It is slowly becoming apparent that Sahai's alcohol consumption seems to have accelerated Alzheimer's . After Michelle Sahai confronts her femininity, he leaves her life.

One winter day, the confused Sahai shows up at the McNally's estate. Now he is surrounded by black, and Michelle decides to give back to her teacher what he gave her: the meaning of words.

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