Blood-red bristle disk

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Blood-red bristle disk
Blood-red bristle disk (Hymenochaete cruenta)

Blood-red bristle disk ( Hymenochaete cruenta )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Bristle disks (Hymenochaetales)
Family : Bristle disk relatives (Hymenochaetaceae)
Genre : Bristle disks ( Hymenochaete )
Type : Blood-red bristle disk
Scientific name
Hymenochaete cruenta
( Persoon : Fries ) Donk

The blood-red bristle disk ( Hymenochaete cruenta ) is a mushroom species from the family of bristle disk relatives (Hymenochaetaceae). It forms bright red, crusty fruiting bodies that grow on the bark of white ( Abies alba ) and other fir trees. The blood-red bristle disk is common in Eurasia and Australia and prefers submeridional to warm temperate climates.


Macroscopic features

The blood-red bristle disk has resupinate (lying on the substrate), and on the edge effuso-reflexe (upwardly curved) fruiting bodies with a fine felt consistency. Occasionally the species also forms hat edges at the upper end on vertical supports. The fruit layer is freshly bright blood red to dark purple, the edges mostly dark brown. If it falls to the ground with dead wood , it quickly turns dark brown. The fruit bodies have a smooth to finely humped surface. The typical bristles are dark brown and can be seen under a magnifying glass.

Microscopic features

The species has numerous rust-brown sets of 60–80 × 6–10 µm in the fruit layer. Their hyphae are 3–4  µm wide and simply septate. The species has four-pore basidia with a size of 20–25 × 4–5 µm . The spores of the blood-red bristle disk are around 6–8 × 2–2.5 µm in size and are cylindrical and sometimes slightly curved. He has a monomitic trama and unbuckled septa .


The known distribution of the species includes large parts of the Palearctic and Australia . It is unclear whether it was introduced on the latter or was already at home there before humans arrived. The Eurasian area coincides with the distribution of the genus Abies .


The blood-red bristle disk occurs in mixed forests with a high proportion of fir trees ( Abies spp.). As a rule, he prefers humid northern slopes. The fruiting bodies sprout 15-30 m above the ground on the bark of old fir trees. In Europe the silver fir ( Abies alba ) is the only host, elsewhere other species of the genus take on their function.


Web links

Commons : Blood-red bristle disk ( Hymenochaete cruenta )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files