Boeing X-40

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Boeing X-40
Boeing X-40
Boeing X-40
Type: Experimental space glider
Design country:

United StatesUnited States United States



First flight:

August 11, 1998


Flight tests ended in 2001

Production time:

Was never mass-produced

Number of pieces:


The Boeing X-40 Space Maneuver Vehicle was part of the X-37 project to develop a reusable spacecraft. In 2001, the flight characteristics of the peculiar aircraft with a wide fuselage and small wings were tested on a model with 85% original size. The Honeywell control system was also tested during this test . On March 14, 2001, the first successful landing of an X-40, after being dropped from a Boeing-Vertol CH-47 , took place in California .

General data

Parameter Data
Length: 6.5 m
Span: 3.5 m
Height: 2.3 m
Top speed: 480 km / h

Web links

Commons : Boeing X-40  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Description on p. 50 (X-40). (PDF; 1.2 MB) Retrieved April 8, 2013 .