Boleslaw Friedrichowitsch Grindler

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Boleslaw Friedrichowitsch Grindler

Boleslaw Friedrichowitsch Grindler ( Russian Болеслав Фридрихович Гриндлер ; born September 19 . Jul / 1. October  1889 greg. In Poltava ; † 14. May 1938 in Kommunarka ) was a Russian mining engineer .


Grindler, the son of an accountant , attended the Poltava secondary school, which excluded him in 1905 for participating in political unrest. In 1907 he began studying at the Gorlovka Mining School. Then worked in Donbass and later in the Siberian gold fields .

Levizki (left) and Grindler in 1916

After the October Revolution , Grindler returned to Donbass in 1918. In 1919 he succeeded Dmitri Gavrilowitsch Levizki and was head of the Central Rescue Station in Makiyivka for the mines there, founded in 1907 by Iossif Iossifowitsch Fedorowitsch . 1920–1926 he led the reconstruction of the rescue stations in Donbass, which were destroyed in the Russian Civil War, the expansion and modernization of the existing stations and the construction of new stations. He organized the practical work in the stations and the research and trained the staff. Thanks to his efforts, a centralized effective rescue organization emerged. When the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR decided in 1928 to found the Central Rescue Station in Leninsk-Kuznetsky , the geographical center of the future Kuzbass industrial area, Grindler was an advisor.

In connection with the Shakhty trial , Grindler, like many other experienced coal managers, was suspected of being in contact with foreign overturning centers in 1928. In 1930 he was exiled from Donbass to Kazakhstan . There he was chief engineer of the trust KasStroiUgol (later Karaganda Ugol ). Together with Kornei Ossipowitsch Gorbatschow, trust director and one of the first organizers of the coal industry in the USSR , he led the prospecting and exploration in the Karaganda coal basin , the sinking of new shafts as well as the construction of the mining facilities and the houses for the workers. He also tried to set up an ambulance service in Karaganda. On November 1, 1932, the first mining rescue station was opened in the Karaganda coal basin.

Grindler's textbook of rescue services, 1st edition
Grindler's textbook of rescue services, 4th edition

In 1932 Grindler was transferred to Leninsk-Kuznetsky as chief of the mine rescue service in Siberia and the Far East . He developed the rescue service and the construction of rescue stations. In the district rescue stations in Anzero -Sudschensk , Prokopjewsk and Leninsk-Kuznetsky he founded laboratories for the investigation of the oxidisability of coal and the self- igniting of the massive coal seams in the Kuzbass. In 1933 he set up laboratories for psychology , physiology and ergometry at the district stations to examine the rescue personnel to be employed and to regularly check the health of the personnel. The Central Rescue Station in Leninsk-Kuznetsky started operations in 1934 and was one of the best at home and abroad. In the same year he combined all special laboratories into a scientific research department under his personal direction. He wrote a variety of instructions and essays and a small textbook on rescue services.

On December 9, 1937, Grindler was arrested in the course of the Great Terror in Kuzbass for involvement in a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization. On March 14, 1938, the Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to death by shooting with immediate execution in Kommunarka. On August 25, 1956, the Military College of the Supreme Court of the USSR rehabilitated him.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e MiningWiki - свободная шахтёрская энциклопедия: Гриндлер Болеслав Фридрихович (accessed October 12, 2019).
  2. a b Владимир НОВИКОВ: Судьба горных светил (accessed October 12, 2019).
  3. Grindler BF: Что нужно знать всем работающим в респираторах . Типография "Труд", Lugansk 1916.
  4. Grindler BF: Что нужно знать всем работающим в респираторах . 4th edition. Объединение научно-технических издательств Украины, Kharkiv , Kiev 1932.
  5. Гриндлер Болеслав Фридрихович, Мартиролог жертв политических репрессий, расстрелянных и захороненных в Москве и Московской области в 1918-1953 гг. (accessed on October 12, 2019).