Boris Antonovich Cheetwertinsky

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Pierre Edmond Martin :
Prince Boris Tschetwertinsky

Prince Boris Antonovich Tschetvertinski ( Russian Борис Антонович Четвертинский , scientific transliteration Boris Antonovič Četvertinskij ; * 1784 in Przemyśl ; † January 23, 1865 in Moscow ) from the Polish aristocratic family of the Chetwertinskis was a Russian colonel . The fighter against Napoleon was the brother of the princesses Marija Naryshkina and Shanetta Antonovna Tschetwertinskaja


Boris, the son of Castellan Prince Antoni Stanislaw Swjatopolk-Tschetwertinski (1748-1994) and his wife Baroness Thekla von Campenhausen († 1784), was accepted on November 11, 1792 in the Preobrazhensk body guard regiment .

After the Kościuszko uprising , the father was hanged on June 24, 1794 by the Poles in Warsaw as a follower of Russia . . Catherine II took the orphaned family under their wing: The widow - that is, the second wife of the executed - was in Lithuania in the Government of Grodno an estate with 1,500 serfs and Boris was in the Russian military academy despite his youth on January 1, 1796 Lieutenant of the above called Preobrazhensky Regiment. Paul I and Alexander I continued to support the young soldier: On November 6, 1803 Boris Tschetwertinsky was already a colonel. On June 18, 1805, he joined the Imperial Hussar Guard Regiment. Until his retirement on July 16, 1813 Boris Tschetwertinsky fought against Napoleon: For his participation in the Third Coalition War he was awarded the Order of St. George and the " Golden Sword for Bravery" under Kutuzov . In the Fourth Coalition War he fought under Field Marshal Kamenski in late autumn 1806 . After the Battle of Preussisch Eylau , Boris Tschetwertinski received the Pour le Mérite on May 20, 1807 . The Battle of Friedland brought the award of the Order of St. Vladimir , bestowed on September 21, 1807. On May 20, 1808 Boris Tschetwertinsky was decorated with the Order of St. Anne . Against the will of the Tsar, the war-weary colonel resigned on February 11, 1810; but took over a Cossack regiment on July 1, 1812 in a patriotic and dutiful manner. After the end of the spring campaign in 1813 - soon after the battle near Luckau - Boris Tschetwertinsky finally retired from active military service.

He became State Councilor on April 6, 1835 under Nikolaus I. Stallmeister and under Alexander II. On August 26, 1856 Oberstallmeister.

Boris Tschetwertinsky was buried on the grounds of his estate in the Podolsk district .


Pierre Edmond Martin:
Boris Tschetwertinski's wife
Princess Nadezhda Fedorovna

Boris Tschetwertinski married Princess Nadezhda Fedorovna Gagarina (1792-1883) on January 8, 1811. The couple had three sons and six daughters:

  • Boris (1811-1862)
  • Nadeschda (1812–1909)
  • Fyodor (1814-1831)
  • Jelisaveta (1815–1869)
  • Praskovya (1818-1899)
  • Vladimir (1824-1859)
  • Natalja (1825–1906)
  • Wera (1826-1894)
  • Marija († 1877)

Further awards

Web links


  1. Marija Naryschkina was the mistress of Alexander I and her sister Shanetta Antonovna was in a relationship with the Tsarevich Konstantin Pavlovich .
  2. Nadezhda Fedorovna was the daughter of Prince Fyodor Sergejewitsch Gagarin (Russian Гагарин, Фёдор Сергеевич ) and his wife, Princess Praskovja Jurjewna Gagarina (Russian Гагарина, Перасковович ).

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Четвертинская, Жанетта Антоновна
  2. Russian Святополк-Четвертинский, Антоний Станислав
  3. Russian Текла Кампенгаузен
  4. Russian Гродненская губерния
  5. Russian Кадетский корпус
  6. Russian Лейб-гвардии Гусарский Его Величества полк
  7. Russian Действительный статский советник
  8. Russian Надежда Федоровна Гагарина
  9. Russian Орден Святого Станислава (Российская империя)