Boris Wulfowitsch Lyoskin

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Boris Wulfowitsch Lyoskin ( Russian Борис Вульфович Лёскин ; born January 5, 1923 in Chișinău , Kingdom of Romania ; † February 21, 2020 in New York City ) was an actor who was active in the Soviet Union and the United States .

Life and accomplishments

During the German-Soviet war was Ljoskin as Sapper member of the Red Army , participated in the Battle of Leningrad part and was wounded. After the end of the war he trained as an actor at the Leningrad Theater Institute, graduated in 1952 and then belonged to the Towstongow Bolshoi Drama Theater located there until 1979. Lyoskin was an admirer of the " Stanislavsky system " and also had a great interest in ballet .

In the year he graduated from the Theater Institute, Lyoskin made his film debut in The Revisor , an adaptation of Gogol 's comedy of the same name . He played in many television productions, a. a. in Коллеги ( Kollegi , 1961), his only appearance as the main actor, Rembradt (1964) and 12 стульев ( 12 stuljew , 1966) based on the novel Twelve Chairs . In the cinema he has appeared in the comedy Much Ado about Maxim (1955), the Andersen film adaptation An ancient fairy tale and the melodrama From the Headmaster's Diary (1975). The television production Ханума ( Chanuma , 1978) should be Ljoskisn's last film engagement in the Soviet Union, since he emigrated to the USA in 1980.

Lyoskin was able to resume theater work at the Broadway Theater Circle in the Square and continued his film career from the mid-1980s. Over time he appeared in well-known productions such as The Falcon and the Snowman , The House on Carroll Street and Cadillac Man , and years later he was identified with the role of the chef in Men in Black .

Lyoskin appeared as an actor until he was 9 years old. He died in New York City at the age of 97.


For his military service Lyoskin was honored with the Order of the Red Star and in 1943 with the medal "For the defense of Leningrad" .

At the Pacific Meridian Film Festival in 2006 he received the jury award for his role in Everything is Enlightened . In 2018, Lyoskin was mentioned in the documentary 500 , which featured film actors of Russian descent.

Lyoskin was also a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Lyoskin's biography on (Russian), accessed on April 25, 2020
  2. a b Ljoskin's profile on (Russian), accessed on April 25, 2020
  3. a b Interview statements by Sergei Jurski on (Russian), accessed on April 25, 2020
  4. a b c Lyoskin's filmography on (Russian), accessed on April 25, 2020
  5. Press release on Lyoskin's death in the Daily Star , accessed April 25, 2020
  6. 500 in the Internet Movie Database , accessed April 25, 2020