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Boudorigon ( Greek  Βουδόριγον ) is a place name that is given in the Geographia of Claudius Ptolemaios as one of the places (πόλεις) in the interior of the Germania magna north in the east with 41 ° 00 ′ longitude (Ptolemaic longitudes) and 52 ° 40 ′ latitude . Because of the age of the source, the existence of the place around 150 AD can be assumed.

So far the place could not be located safely. An interdisciplinary research team led by Andreas Kleineberg, who re-examined the information provided by Ptolemy, is currently locating Boudorigon based on the transformation of the ancient coordinates near today's Glogau (Głogów) on the Oder in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship in Poland .

Germanic cremation graves were found in Nosicice, a district of Głogów, and in Głogów itself a coin treasure with denarii belonging to the emperors from Vespasianus to Commodus . Archaeologically, there is apparently a connection with the Oder-Warthe group or the early Przeworsk culture , an archaeological culture that connects research in general with the early Vandals and Burgundians as well as with the Lugians .


  1. ^ Ptolemy, Geographia 2, 11, 13
  2. Reinhard WenskusBoudorgis, Boudorigon. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde (RGA). 2nd Edition. Volume 3, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1978, ISBN 3-11-006512-6 , p. 332, ( chargeable via GAO , De Gruyter Online).
  3. ^ Andreas Kleineberg, Christian Marx, Eberhard Knobloch, Dieter Lelgemann : Germania and the island of Thule. The decoding of Ptolemy's "Atlas of the Oikumene". Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2011, ISBN 978-3-534-24525-3 , p. 49.
  4. ^ Andreas Kleineberg, Christian Marx, Eberhard Knobloch, Dieter Lelgemann : Germania and the island of Thule. The decoding of Ptolemy's "Atlas of the Oikumene". Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2011, ISBN 978-3-534-24525-3 , p. 50.
  5. ^ Coins: TIR M-33
  6. ^ Corinna Scheungraber, Friedrich E. Grünzweig: The old Germanic toponyms and un-Germanic toponyms of Germania. A handbook on its etymology using a bibliography by Robert Nedoma. Published by Hermann Reichert (=  Philologica Germanica 34). Fassbaender, Vienna 2014, ISBN 978-3-902575-62-3 , p. 109.


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