Brian Murray

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Sir Brian Stewart Murray (born December 26, 1921 in Melbourne , Australia , † June 4, 1991 in Murrumbateman , state of New South Wales ) was an Australian Rear Admiral and Governor of Victoria .


Murray joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1939 . He took part in the Korean War from 1952 to 1953 . From 1968 to 1970 he was a military attaché in Tokyo . The high point of his military career was his appointment as deputy chief of the Navy ( Deputy Chief of Navy ) in 1975-78.

In 1982 he was proposed as governor of Victoria by the Liberal Prime Minister Lindsay Thompson . During his tenure, he avoided public celebrations. Displeasure sparked his absence at the opening of the Victorian Arts Center in Melbourne in 1983 when it was discovered that he had visited a winery instead. In 1985 he had to resign after it became known that he had made a trip to the USA at Continental Airlines' expense . Murray subsequently settled on a winery in Murrumbateman near Canberra . After his death in 1991, he received a state funeral .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Admirals of the RAN. Rear Admirals, GM. private website, accessed December 21, 2011 .
  2. His Excellency regrets. Sydney Morning Herald , August 14, 2004, accessed December 21, 2011 .