Brotherhood fresco of St. Martin (Tannheim)

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Brotherhood fresco St. Martin (Chrysostomus Forchner)
Brotherhood fresco St. Martin
Chrysostom Forchner , 1766
350 × 150 cm
Parish Church of St. Martin (Tannheim)

The brotherhood fresco of St. Martin (Tannheim) is a ceiling fresco painted in 1766 by the Dietenheim painter Chrysostomus Forchner in the parish church of St. Martin in Tannheim in Upper Swabia .

Maria, Dominikus and Simon Stock

The main character of the fresco is Mary with the baby Jesus at the top . She is depicted as the Queen of Heaven and wearing a red dress and blue cloak. On the left below, St. Dominic , the founder of the Order of Preachers , kneels in a white habit and black cloak. Dominic, represented with his attribute , a dog with a burning torch, is given the rosary by Mary . Behind St. Dominic you can see an angel with a white lily , the symbol of virginity .

Right hand on the same level as Dominic kneels St. Simon Stock in brown habit and white cope, the Carmelites . Simon Stock, of Kent, was prior general of the Carmelite Order. According to tradition, after the Order was expelled from the Holy Land , he had a vision in which the Blessed Mother presented him with a scapular . Mary and the saints are framed by a crowd of baroque angels .

The center is the Holy Spirit , represented in the form of a golden dove on a round wooden disc. On Pentecost, the dove was let down on a rope to join the faithful in the nave . Below are the poor souls in purgatory , pleading with their hands raised to heaven .

The selection and arrangement of the fresco themes were determined by the Benedictines of the Ochsenhausen Imperial Abbey . Tannheim was an incorporated parish and one of the three official seats of the spiritual territory until secularization . The builder of the church, Abbot Franziskus Klesin from Vorarlberg , was a pastor in Tannheim before his election as Abbot. The church was not painted until a good sixty years later and fell during the term of office of Abbots Benedikt Denzel and Romuald Weltin .

Chrysostom Forchner

Based on the invoices of the Rosary Brotherhood of Our Lady and the Scapular Brotherhood to Chrysostomus Forchner and an assistant named Franz Anton Mitreuther from Bonlanden from the years 1766 and 1767, which are housed in the parish archive, the fresco of the church can be clearly identified. All earlier attributions to the Sigmaringen painter Meinrad von Au , Franz Georg Herrmann or Johann Josef Anton Huber , who were also active in the territory of the imperial abbeys of Ochsenhausen or Rot an der Rot , were thus refuted. Chrysostom, the younger brother of Franz Xaver Forchner, was born in Dietenheim in 1721 and died in Dietenheim in 1791. The Dietenheim parish archives added the addition to his name in extreme poverty and died after a serious illness .


  • Alois Epple: The frescoes of the parish church in Tannheim . In: Katholische Pfarrgemeinde Tannheim (Ed.): 300 years of the Church of Sankt Martin Tannheim, commemorative publication for the anniversary in 2002 .
  • Winfried Aßfalg: ... better adorned with an honorable husband from Forcher's brush ... In: Catholic parish Tannheim (Hrsg.): 300 years of the Church of St. Martin Tannheim, commemorative publication for the anniversary in 2002 .
  • Flad M: Franz Xaver and Chrysostomus Forchner. Two baroque painters from Dietenheim , in Heilige Kunst 22, 1984/85, S23ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Winfried Aßfalg: ... better adorned with an honorable consort by Forcher's brush ... In: Catholic parish Tannheim (Ed.): 300 years of the Church of St. Martin Tannheim, commemorative publication for the anniversary in 2002 ; P. 32

Web links

Commons : St. Martinus Tannheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files