Association of proletarian revolutionary writers

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Commemorative plaque on Sophienstrasse 18 in Berlin-Mitte

The Association of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers , founded in 1928, was a writers' association in the Weimar Republic that was closely related to the KPD .


The members of the Federation consisted of two groups. On the one hand, there were “bourgeois” writers who got involved within the KPD and were open to new experimental forms of literature. On the other hand, there were real workers, such as Hans Marchwitza , Willi Bredel and Kurt Held , who had gotten to writing through the KPD's workers' correspondence movement and were now looking for opportunities to publish.

The power struggles between the two groups determined the development of the federal government. The bourgeois writers accused the proletarians of the poor quality of their products; the workers' writers claimed that bourgeoisies could not write proletarian literature at all.

In 1931 Georg Lukács intervened in the discussions of the BPRS. He rejected the formal experiments of the bourgeois authors as well as the works of the proletarian authors, which reminded him linguistically and formally all too penetratingly of the style of communist training documents. He compared the bourgeois literature of the 19th century as a model for both groups .
Lukács thus became one of the first theoretical founders of socialist realism , but his position only became binding during the period of exile .

The last edition of Linkskurve , the members' newspaper of the BPRS, appeared in December 1932. After the seizure of power , the Bund continued to exist for some time, for example in Prague, Paris and Vienna, where the Bund of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers of Austria was founded in the fall of 1930 , and in Switzerland.


The librarian Hertha Block, who was incarcerated in the SA prison in Papestrasse, was also active in the federal government . The Hertha-Block-Promenade , which opened in Berlin in 2012, was named after her in memory of Block .


  • Association of proletarian revolutionary writers . In: Lexicon of socialist German literature. Leipzig 1964, pp. 130–135 with bibliography, p. 135.
  • On the tradition of socialist literature in Germany. A selection of documents . 2. through u. exp. Aufl. Aufbau Verlag, Berlin and Weimar 1967
  • Working class literature. Essays on the Development of German Socialist Literature (1918–1933) . Vol. 1. Aufbau Verlag, Berlin and Weimar 1971
  • Actions - Confessions - Perspectives , reports and documents from the struggle for the freedom of literary creation in the Weimar Republic, ed. by the German Academy of Arts in Berlin, Poetry and Language Maintenance Section, edited by Alfred Klein, Berlin and Weimar (development) 1966.
  • Helga Gallas : Marxist literary theory - controversies in the union of proletarian-revolutionary writers , Neuwied (Luchterhand) 1971. ISBN 3-472-61019-0
  • Alfred Klein: On behalf of your class. Path and achievement of the German working-class writers 1918–1933 , Berlin and Weimar (construction) 1972.
  • The Association of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers (BPRS) 1929–1933 . (= Socialist magazine for art and society) Issue 11/12, Tübingen 1972.
  • Worker poetry. Analyzes - Confessions - Documentations , ed. from the Österr. Society for cultural policy, Wuppertal (Hammer) 1973. ISBN 3-87294-041-4
  • Günter Heintz (Ed.): Texts of the proletarian-revolutionary literature of Germany 1919–1933 , Stuttgart (Reclam) 1974. ISBN 3-15-009707-X
  • Wolfgang Rothe (Ed.): The German literature in the Weimar Republic , Stuttgart (Reclam) 1974.
  • Walter Fähnders: Proletarian-Revolutionary Literature of the Weimar Republic , Stuttgart (Metzler) 1977.
  • Collection of proletarian revolutionary stories . Edited by Walter Fähnders, Helga Karrenbrock u. Martin Rector. Darmstadt, Neuwied (Luchterhand) 1973.
  • Christoph M. Hein, The "Association of proletarian-revolutionary writers in Germany", biography of a cultural-political experiment in the Weimar Republic, Münster 1990.
  • Rüdiger Safranski / Walter Fähnders: Proletarian-revolutionary literature. In: Literature of the Weimar Republic 1918–1933 . Edited by Bernd Weyergraf. Munich 1995, pp. 174-231.
  • Walter Fähnders: For research into proletarian literary traditions. Using the example of a lexicon. In: literary theory and history. For the discussion of materialistic literary studies. Edited by Rüdiger Scholz u. Klaus-Michael Bogdal . Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1996, pp. 254-266
  • Christian Dietrich Literary profile and political program. On the conceptualization of the monthly magazine "Die Linkskurve" , in: Work - Movement - History , Issue I / 2017, pp. 7–21.

Individual evidence

  1. See Christian Dietrich literary profile and political program. On the conceptualization of the monthly magazine "Die Linkskurve" , in: Work - Movement - History , Issue I / 2017, pp. 7–21.
  2. ^ BPRS Austria . Accessed December 12, 2015
  3. Johannes R. Becher: Report on the activities during my trip from July 5 to September 27, 1933 . In: On the tradition of socialist literature in Germany , pp. 570 ff.

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