Buonaccorso da Montemagno the Younger

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Buonaccorso da Montemagno the Younger (* 1391 or 1393 in Pistoia in Tuscany ; † December 16, 1429 in Florence ) was a Renaissance humanist .


Buonaccorso da Montemagno, grandson of Buonaccorso da Montemagno the Elder , was a judge in the Santa Croce district of Florence in 1421. In the same year he was appointed Maestro at Studio Fiorentino . In July 1428 he was sent as ambassador to the Duke of Milan to negotiate the terms of a peace treaty, as Florence was an ally of the Republic of Venice in the previous conflicts .

Seals and works

In his poetry, Le Rime , da Montemagno imitated the Sonnetti d'amore of Petrarch . His public speeches were appreciated by Cristoforo Landino , who equated him with Giovanni Boccaccio , Leon Battista Alberti and Matteo Palmieri .

Around 1420, the younger da Montemagno dedicated a sonnet to his friend Palla Strozzi with the title Spirito gentil, che nostra ciaica etate .

In his work Controversia de nobilitate , da Montemagno presents the then new topos of homo novus , the nobility (nobilità) of which shows itself through its character, its actions and its career. The work was translated into French by Jean Miélot and printed in Bruges by Colard Mansion in 1476 with the title Controversie de Noblesse . An English translation was done by John Tiptoft, 1st Earl of Worcester and printed in 1481 by William Caxton . As a dialogue by Sixt Birck in Latin, it was printed in Augsburg in 1540 and is now available in digital form.

Antonio Francesco Grazzini described da Montemagno's works in his Vocabulario , published by the Accademia della Crusca , as examples of the purest Italian-language poetry and prose in the 16th century .


  • Prose e rime de 'due Buonaccorsi de Montemagno, con annotazioni ed alcune rime di Niccolo Tinucci , Stamperia di Giuseppe Mani, Firenze 1718, also as a digitized version .
  • Giambattista Carlo Giulari (ed.): Prose del Giovane Buonaccorso da Montemagno: Inedite alcune da due codici della Biblioteca capitolare di Verona . Romagnoli 1874, as a reprint: Bologna, Commissione per i testi di lingua.
  • Raffaele Spongano (Ed.): Le rime dei due Bonaccorso da Montemagno . R. Patron, Bologna 1970.
  • Bonacursus de Montemagno / Sict Birck edd .: Conversio in dialogum: De vera Nobilitate Orationes Duae, a duobus invenibus nobilem puellam ambientibus apud Senatum Romanum habitae , Augustae 1540.
  • Arie Johan Vanderjagt: Qui sa vertu noblist: The Concepts of Noblesse and chose publicque in Burgundian Political Thought . Dissertation on 15th century translations by Buonaccorsos De Nobilitate . J. Miélot, Groningen 1981.

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