Caesar-Rudolf Boettger

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Boettger (1909)

Caesar-Rudolf Boettger (born May 20, 1888 in Frankfurt am Main , † September 8, 1976 in Heidelberg ) was a German zoologist and university professor .


Boettger grew up in Frankfurt am Main. After graduating from high school , he first studied zoology at the University of Bonn . In 1908 he became active in the Corps Guestphalia . In the winter semester of 1909/10 he moved to the Schlesische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität , Breslau. In addition to his studies, he was a one-year volunteer in the field artillery regiment "von Peucker" (1st Silesian) No. 6 and an active member of the Corps Silesia .

In 1912 he received his doctorate in Bonn and then went on a research trip to Africa and the Orient until 1914 . The material obtained later led to his book on The Pets of Africa . The beginning of an academic career was prevented by the outbreak of the First World War , in which he was deployed in France and Turkey .

After the end of the war he worked in the Reichswehr Ministry in the gas protection department and wrote his habilitation thesis on the side . In 1932 he was habilitated as a private lecturer in zoology at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin and there in 1938 appointed professor of zoology. When the Second World War broke out , he was transferred to the Heeresgasschutzschule in Celle and promoted to colonel .

In the post-war period Boettger was initially unemployed, but in 1947 he was appointed full professor to the chair of zoology at the Technical University of Braunschweig . In this role he built the natural history museum at the university.

After his retirement in 1956, Boettger made five research trips of six to twelve months each to North America , Hawaii and Mexico . In 1965 he was a visiting curator at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and in old age he was still a participant in a research project at the Naval Medical Field Research Laboratory in North Carolina .



In addition to his books, Boettger wrote over 220 articles in magazines and specialist books.

  • The land snail fauna of the Aru and Kei Islands. (Treatises of the Senckenbergische Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Volume 338), Frankfurt am Main 1922.
  • The subterranean mollusc fauna of Belgium. Brussels 1939.
  • The tribes of the animal kingdom in their systematic organization. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1952.
  • The pets of Africa. VEB G. Fischer, Jena 1958.
  • Origin and career of the 200 year old Staatl. Natural History Museum in Braunschweig. Appelhans, Braunschweig 1954.


  • Dietrich Teschner: Obituary for Caesar-Rudolf Boettger. in: Communications from the TH Braunschweig. 1976, volume I / II, p. 67.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 10 , 731