Carl Haarmann

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Carl Haarmann (born October 31, 1823 in Hildesheim , † June 30, 1884 in Celle ; full name: Carl August Ferdinand Haarmann ) was a German lawyer and, as one of the founders of Ilseder Hütte, an important mining entrepreneur .


His father was Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Ferdinand Haarmann (* February 24, 1793; † January 30, 1793), a pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran civic church of St. Andreas in Hildesheim. His mother was Sophie Elisabeth (Henriette) Hostmann (born October 29, 1795, † November 26, 1871).

Haarmann attended high school in Hildesheim. He then studied law in Göttingen . He became a member of the Saxonia Göttingen Landsmannschaft in 1843 and was one of the founders of the Corps Saxonia Göttingen on July 28, 1844 . He became an attorney with a license to practice as a lawyer at the High Court in Celle . He later became a chief appeal attorney at the local court of appeal .

He was married to his cousin - the daughter of the banker and entrepreneur Carl Hostmann , Anna Hostmann (* April 27, 1830, † January 4, 1893). They had a daughter, Emma (born June 9, 1863, † May 21, 1939).

His father-in-law, Carl Hostmann, was one of the founders of the Ilseder Hütte . After the as yet unfinished Ilseder Hütte went bankrupt in 1858, Carl Hostmann committed suicide. Together with the later hut director Fritz Hurtzig and Hostmann's estate insolvency administrator Friedrich Meyersburg , Haarmann refurbished and expanded the hut by founding the joint stock company . To this end, he acquired the smelter operation from the bankruptcy estate and the mining rights from Hostmann's widow. The first two blast furnaces went into operation in 1860. This laid the foundation for the Peine smelter site. Ilseder Hütte later formed one of the predecessor companies of Salzgitter AG .

This operation - close to iron ore, but far from coal deposits - became one of the largest industrial companies in the Kingdom of Hanover . In order to ensure that the smelter was supplied with hard coal , Haarmann founded the joint stock company Bantorfer Bergwerksgesellschaft in 1870 to operate a hard coal mine on the Deister. Two years later he founded an ironworks in the Siegen iron district . In the same year he had the rolling mill built in Peine.

In addition, Haarmann was also politically active. From 1874 to 1877 he was in the second legislative period of the Reichstag as a national liberal member of the constituency of the Province of Hanover 16 (Celle, Gifhorn , Peine, Burgsdorf ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hasso von Etzdorf, Wolfgang von der Groeben , Erik von Knorre: Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia zu Göttingen and the Landsmannschaft Saxonia (1840-1844) as of February 13, 1972, p. 1.
  2. Carsten Watsack: Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-Salzgitter. From the beginning to the present. Partial digitization
  3. Bantorf on
  4. ^ Fritz Specht, Paul Schwabe: The Reichstag elections from 1867 to 1903. Statistics of the Reichstag elections together with the programs of the parties and a list of the elected representatives. 2nd Edition. Carl Heymann Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 126.

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