Carl Kuhlmann

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Carl Kuhlmann (right) with Karin Hardt in the film Via Mala (1945)

Carl Kuhlmann (born April 25, 1899 in Bremen , † July 18, 1962 in Berlin ) was a German actor .


Kuhlmann first completed a business apprenticeship. He later joined a circus troupe, for which he worked as a mane actor for two years.

After that, Kuhlmann began a long career as a stage actor. He received engagements at the Schillertheater Altona (1923-28 and 1929/30), at the Carl-Schultze-Theater in Hamburg (1928/29), at the Stadttheater Altona (1930-37), at the Berliner Volksbühne (1937-43), on Hebbel Theater in Berlin (1945–50), at the Schiller and Schlosspark Theater there (1950–53), at the Schauspielhaus Zurich (1953) and at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg (1953–55).

His more well-known stage interpretations include the “Sosias” in Kleist's Amphitryon (Heidelberg Festival 1937 and seventeen years later at the Dt. Schauspielhaus Hamburg), the “Julius Caesar” in Shaws Caesar and Cleopatra (Volksbühne Berlin 1938/39), the “Demokos” in Giraudoux ' The Trojan War does not take place (Hebbel Theater Berlin 1947), the “Catonnier” in Zuckmayer's Gesang im Feuerofen (Schiller Theater Berlin 1951), Schiller'sWilhelm Tell ” (Dt. Schauspielhaus Hamburg 1954), the “Junker Tobias Rülp ”in Shakespeare's Was ihr wollt (Schauspielhaus Zürich 1954) and the“ Falstaff ”in Molières The School of Women (Zurich 1954).

In addition, he played from 1937 ( La Habanera ) in numerous feature film productions. These include love films like Old Heart Goes on a Journey , comedies like women are better diplomats , literary adaptations like Nora , dramas like Voice of the Heart , but also tendentious works like the anti-Semitic propaganda films The Rothschilds and Vienna 1910 . In 1943 he also took part in the John Knittel film adaptation Via Mala, which only premiered after the war . After the end of the war, Kuhlmann was able to continue his career. He played in the agent thriller Epilog and the comedy Krach im Secret Annex .

In addition, he worked as a speaker for radio and dubbing and lent his voice a. a. Andrea Bosic ( The Journeys of Odysseus ) and Ralph Richardson ( The Unknown Enemy ).



Web links

Commons : Carl Kuhlmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files