Carl Vering

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Carl Vering (1892)

Carl Vering (born February 6, 1871 in Osnabrück , † June 15, 1955 in Brakel , Westphalia ) was a German lawyer , businessman and philosopher .


Vering's father Carl Hubert Vering (1834–1897) was one of the largest building contractors in the German Empire . Carl Vering studied law at the University of Freiburg and the University of Bonn . To the Dr. iur. After completing his doctorate , he joined his father's civil engineering company C. Vering in 1896 , which built the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal , the Elbe-Trave Canal , the Hamburg Free Port , the ports of Tsingtau and Hong Kong and other major projects.

In East Asia , Vering turned more and more to philosophy , especially the world of the Brahmins , Buddha and Plato .

Thanks to his love for music, the rebuilding of the Bayreuth Festival after the First World War was due to him. He was a member of the board of trustees that organized festivals again in 1924 after a ten-year break. As one of the main financiers, he made contacts with industry , politics and the aristocracy . Throughout his life he was close friends with Siegfried Wagner . When Vering's Hamburg house (Holzdamm 8) was destroyed in Operation Gomorrah in 1943 , Winifred Wagner took him in at the Villa Wahnfried until the end of World War II .

During the war he married his Hamburg housekeeper Anna Willecke . Driven out of Bayreuth by the US military government with her , he moved to live with his wife's relatives in Westphalia . Anna Vering died in 1945. Vering remained childless.

Vering was a passionate and successful skeleton rider .

Carl Vering was a member of the Corps Rhenania Freiburg (1889) and the Corps Guestphalia Bonn (1891). The Corps Rhenania Freiburg owed him its second corp house and awarded him honorary membership in 1931. All his life he suffered from the fatal duel Vering – Salomon (1890), which at the time had a long legal and socially critical aftermath.


  • Plato's state. The state of the royal sages . Englert and Schlosser, Frankfurt am Main 1925, 3rd edition 1932.
  • Plato's laws. Education for the state . Englert and Schlosser, Frankfurt am Main 1926.
  • Plato's dialogues in free representation . Englert and Schlosser, Frankfurt am Main 1929.


  • WJ: Carl Vering EM . In: Der Bote vom Oberrhein (Corpszeitung der Rhenania Freiburg) , No. 14 (182 of the old series). Freiburg im Breisgau, November 1955, pp. 20-25.
  • Tobias C. Bringmann : Carl Vering - life path of a duelist . In: Einst und Jetzt 40 (1995), pp. 111-113.

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Individual evidence

  1. Vering was not an honorary citizen of Bayreuth.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 35/537; 10/605.