Carlo Nocella

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Carlo Cardinal Nocella (born November 25, 1826 in Rome , † July 22, 1908 there ) was Cardinal of the Curia of the Roman Catholic Church .


He studied at the Pontifical Athenaeum San Apollinare , where he received a doctorate in both rights . After his ordination on September 2, 1849, he was a faculty member of the Pontifical Athenaeum San Apollinare and later secretary of the Latin letters, canon of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and St. Peter's Basilica and Apostolic Protonotar de numero participantium . On December 5, 1884, he became Secretary of the Letters to the Princes and on March 21, 1892, Secretary of the Holy Consistorial Congregation.

On June 22, 1899, he was appointed Latin Patriarch of Antioch . The Cardinal Secretary of State Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro donated him the episcopal ordination on July 16 of the same year at the altar of the Kathedra Petri in St. Peter's Basilica ; Co- consecrators were Felix Maria de Neckere , economist and secretary of the cathedral building hut of St. Peter , and Casimiro Gennari , assessor of the Congregation of the Roman and General Inquisition . On April 18, 1901 he was named Titular Latin Patriarch of Constantinople .

Leo XIII. accepted him on June 22, 1903 as a cardinal priest in the college of cardinals and awarded him the titular church of San Callisto on June 25 of the same year . Just two months later Cardinal Nocella participated in the papal conclave, 1903 , Pope Pius X chose part. He died in 1908 and was buried in the Campo Verano cemetery.


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predecessor Office successor
Carmine Gori-Merosi Secretary of the Holy Consistorial Congregation
Gaetano de Lai
Francesco di Paola Cassetta Latin Patriarch of Antioch
Lorenzo Passarini
Alessandro Sanminiatelli Zabarella Latin Patriarch of Constantinople
Giuseppe Ceppetelli