Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople

The Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople was established in 1204 as a result of the conquest of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade . The Latin Patriarch of Constantinople Opel associated Patriarchal was St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City .
French crusaders, supported by the Republic of Venice , established the Latin Empire and expelled the Orthodox Patriarch from Constantinople .
After the reconquest of the city by Michael VIII. Palaiologos and the end of the Latin Empire in 1261, the patriarchy only existed in terms of title, i.e. without territorial jurisdiction . On February 8, 1314, Pope Clement V united the patriarchal office with that of the Bishop of Negroponte .
In the wake of the Union of Florence , under Gregor Melissenus, the Crusader Patriarchate was legally united with the Greek Patriarchate, whose branch united with Rome, however, from Pietro Riario onwards was regularly occupied by Latin prelates in order to guarantee the Roman Catholic Church's claim to this traditional patriarchal seat of the East to maintain.
Since 1948, the previously awarded post as an honorary title has not been filled and in 1964 together with the other Latin Patriarchates - with the exception of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem - in the course of the Second Vatican Council and on the basis of a between Pope Paul VI. and the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople Athinagoras dissolved.
List of the Latin Patriarchs of Constantinople
The following people were at the head of the Latin and Greek Catholic Patriarchate of Constantinople:
- Thomas Morosini , 1204-1211
- Vacancy , 1211-1215
- Gervasius , 1215-1219
- Vacancy , 1219-1221
- Matthew (Mathias), 1221-1226
- Johannes Halgrin (Alegrin), 1226-1227
- Simon von Maugastel , 1227-1232
- Vacancy , 1232-1235
- Nicholas of Castro Arquato (from Piacenza), 1235–1251
- Vacancy , 1251-1253
Titular patriarchs
- Pantaleon Giustiniani , 1253–1282?
- Vacancy , 1282? -1286
- Peter Correr ( or Corrario), 1286-1302
- Leonhard Faliero , 1302–1305 ?
- Nicholas of Thebes , 1308–1330 ?
- Cardinale Morosini , 1330-1335
- Gozzio Battaglia ( or Battaglini), 1335-1338
- Robert , 1338 ? -1341
- Heinrich von Asti , 1341–1345
- Stephan de Pinu , 1346
- Wilhelm Pustrella ( or Pusterla), 1346–1361
- Peter Thomas , 1362-1366
- Paul , 1366-1372
- Hugolin Malabranca , 1372-1374; at the same time administrator perpetuus of the Diocese of Rimini
- Jacob of Itri , 1376-1378; also administrator perpetuus of the Diocese of Otranto
- William of Urbino , 1379
- Paulos Palaiologos Tagaris , 1379–1384
- Matthew ,? - ?, († 1404)
- Angelo Correr , 1390-1406
- Ludwig von Mitylène , 1406–1408
- Antonio Correr , 1408
- ( Alfons d'Exéa , 1409)
- Francesco Lando , 1409–1411 / 2
- Jean de Rochetaillée , 1411 / 2-1417
- Johann Contarini , 1424–1438?
- Franz von Conzié , 1430–1432
- Franz Condolmero , 1438-1453
Exile or titular patriarchs
- Gregory III. Mammas , 1443–1459, Ecumenical Patriarch in Union with Rome
- Isidore of Kiev , 1459–1463, Greek united with Rome
- Bessarion , 1463–1472, Greek united with Rome
- Pietro Riario , OFM Conv. 1472-1474
- Girolamo Lando , 1474-1497
- Johann Michiel ( or Michele), 1497–1503
- Johann Borgia the Elder, April 24, 1503–1. August 1503
- Franz von Lorris , 1503–1506
- Thomas Baekas von Erdoed , 1507–1521
- Marcus Cornaro , 1521-1524
- Egidius de Viterbo , OSA 1524-1530
- Francesco de Pisauro , 1530–1545?
- Marino Grimani , 1545-1546
- Ranuccio Farnese , OESSH 1546-1550
- Fabio de Columna , 1550-1554
- Ranuccio Farnese , OESSH 1554-1565
- Scipione Rebiba , 1565-1573
- Prosper Rebiba , 1573-1593
- Silvio Savelli , 1594-1596
- Hercules Tassoni , 1596-1597
- Bonifazio Bevilacqua Aldobrandini , 1598-1599
- Bonaventura Secusio a Caltagirone , OFM Obs. 1599-1618
- Ascanio Gesualdo , 1618-1638
- Francesco Maria Machiavelli , 1640-1641
- Giovanni Giacomo Panciroli , 1641-1643
- Giovanni Battista Spada , 1643-1654
- Volumnio Bandinelli , 1658-1660
- Stefano Ugolini , 1667-1681
- Odoardo Cibo , 1689-1706
- Lodovico Pico della Mirandola , 1706-1712
- Andreas Riggio , 1716-1717
- Camillo Cibo , 1718-1729
- Mundillus Orsini , CO 1729-1751
- Ferdinando Maria de Rossi , 1751–1759
- Philip Iosias Caucci , 1760-1771
- Ioannes de Portugal de la Puebla , 1771–1781
- Franciscus Antonius Marucci , 1781–1798
- Benedetto Fenaja CM , 1805-1812
- vacant 1812–1823
- Giuseppe Della Porta Rodiani , 1823-1835
- Giovanni Soglia Ceroni , 1835–1839
- Antonio Maria Traversi , 1839-1842
- Giacomo Sinibaldi , January 27, 1843–2. September 1843
- Fabio Maria Asquini , 1844-1845
- Giovanni Giuseppe Canali , 1845-1851
- Domenico Lucciardi , April 10, 1851-5. September 1851
- Josephus Melchiades Ferlisi , 1860–1865
- Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei , 1866–1878
- Jacobus Gallo , 1878-1881
- Vacancy , 1881-1887
- Giulio Lenti , 1887-1895
- Giovanni Battista Casali del Drago , 1895–1899
- Alexander Sanminiatelli Zabarella , 1899–1901
- Carlo Nocella , 1901–1903, † 1908 (previously Latin Patriarch of Antioch )
- Giuseppe Ceppetelli , 1903-1917
- Vacancy , 1917-1923
- Michele Zezza di Zapponeta , 1923–1927
- Antonio Anastasio Rossi , 1927-1948
- Vacancy , 1948-1964
- Disbanded in 1964
See also
- Christianity in Turkey
- Roman Catholic Church in Turkey
- Latin Patriarchs of the East
- List of the Patriarchs of Constantinople
- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Web links
- Entry on Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople on ; accessed on February 12, 2019 (for the period 379–552)
- Entry on Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople on ; Retrieved February 12, 2019 (Titular Patriarchate 1226–1948)
Individual evidence
- ^ Dan Ioan Mureşan: Girolamo Lando, titulaire du Patriarcat de Constantinople (1474–1497), et son rôle dans la politique orientale du Saint-Siège , in: Annuario dell'Istituto di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia 8 (2006) 153 -258.
- ↑ a b c d e f g Philippe Bountry: Chapelle pontificale . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, VI.1.1 - Patriarche latin de Constantinople ( online edition ).