Antonio Correr

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Portrait of Cardinal Antonio Correr ( Madonna dell'Orto Church , Venice, ca.1622)

Antonio Correr CRSA (born July 15, 1369 in Venice , Italy , † January 19, 1445 in Padua ) was an Italian cardinal. He was the son of Filippo Correr and Cassandra Venier, the brother of Gregory XII. and a cousin of Pope Eugene IV. He is one of the founders of the Augustinian Canons of San Giorgio in Alga in Venice.


Antonio Correr was dean of Koroni . In 1405 he was elected bishop of the Latin diocese of Modon , confirmed on February 24, 1407, consecrated by Pope Gregory on February 26, 1407 and transferred to Bologna on March 31, 1407 . But he was by cardinal legate Baldassare Cossa , the later antipope John XXIII. , since he was Pope Gregory XII. considered illegitimate, prevented from taking possession of his diocese. Between 1408 and 1410 he was Apostolic Administrator of Asolo and from 1408 to 1409 he was the successor of his uncle, Latin Patriarch of Constantinople .

Pope Gregory XII. Correr created Cardinal on May 9, 1408 and appointed him Cardinal Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli and a few months later elevated him to Cardinal Bishop of Porto . He was then appointed Papal Legate for Germany and Flanders in 1408 and Camerlengo of the Catholic Church in 1412 . In 1420 and 1421 he was administrator of Cittanova . From 1420 to 1434 he was archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica .

He became a legate of Perugia , commander abbot of S. Angelo in Verona , S. Zeno in Verona and S. Giovanni di Verdara in Padua . Correr was named Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and Velletri by his cousin Pope Eugene IV on March 14, 1431 . In October and November 1435 he was administrator of the diocese of Rimini and from 1435 to 1440 administrator of Cervia . After the death of Giordano Orsini on May 29, 1438 he became dean of the college of cardinals .

Correr was not involved in the Council of Pisa in 1409, at which the anti-popes Alexander V and John XXIII. were chosen. He took part in the Council of Constance in 1417, at which Martin V was elected, and in the conclave in 1431 , in which Eugene IV was elected.

He died in Padua and was buried in San Giorgio in Alga.

See also

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