Caspar Brulow

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Caspar Brülow (born September 18, 1585 in Falkenberg near Pyritz , Pomerania , † July 14, 1627 in Strasbourg ) was a high school and university teacher, philologist and Latin playwright .


Brülow came to Strasbourg from his Pomeranian homeland as a student , where he enrolled in Philology in 1607 . Like his later colleague Matthias Bernegger , he began his career in 1612 as a teacher at the Protestant grammar school, and like him he spent the rest of his life in Strasbourg. In 1615 he received a call to the academy (from 1621 university), where he mainly specialized in Latin rhetoric . His achievements, especially in the field of Latin drama, brought him in 1616 the elevation to the "imperial crowned poet" .

Every year from 1612, Brülow wrote a Latin drama for the Strasbourg Academic Theater, which was the highlight of the academic year. A German version was included, but not listed. Only his Chariclia was re-staged in the German version at the Dresden court by Beckh . Brülow was a popular teacher, as we learn from the notes of his pupil Johann Michael Moscherosch , to whom we owe many details about these theater events. Brülow died in 1627 at the age of just 42 in his adopted home in Strasbourg.

Works (selection)

  • Andromeda. Tragoedia. Strasbourg 1612
  • Elias. Drama tragicum. Strasbourg 1613
  • Chariclia. Tragico-comoedia. Strasbourg 1614
  • Nebucadnezzar. Comoedia sacra. Strasbourg 1615
  • Cajus Julius Caesar. Tragoedia. Strasbourg 1616
  • Moses, sive Exitus Israelitarum ex Aegypto. Tragico-comoedia sacra. Strasbourg 1621

Literature (selection)

  • Willi Flemming:  Brülow, Caspar. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955, ISBN 3-428-00183-4 , p. 664 ( digitized version ).
  • Barbara Lafond: "The religious polemics in <Moses> by Caspar Brülow", in: Daphnis 9 (1980), 711–718
  • Hildegard Schaefer: Courtly traces in the Protestant school drama around 1600. Caspar Brülow, a Pomeranian scholar in Strasbourg. Oelde iW 1935 (originally Diss. Münster)
  • Wilhelm SchererBrülow, Kaspar . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1876, p. 420 f.
  • Günter Skopnik: The dramas by Caspar Brülow and Johann Paul Crusius . Gelnhausen 1934 (originally Diss. Berlin)
  • Günter Skopnik: The Strasbourg school theater. Its schedule and its stage. Frankfurt / M. 1935

List of works and references

Web links