Johann Joseph Beckh

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Johann Joseph Beckh (also Bekkh or Beek , * 1635 in Strasbourg ; baptized on March 29, 1635, Strasbourg Saint-Thomas ; † after 1692, last in Kiel ) was a German shepherd poet , playwright and poet of sacred songs of the Baroque period .


As with many poets of the 17th century, Beckh's life dates are hardly documented. From 1645 he attended the Strasbourg Protestant grammar school and attended legal lectures at the university there without attaining a degree. But it was possible for him to get by as a legal advisor and notary until 1664. From 1665 he lived in Dresden , where he was friends with the composer Adam Krieger . The majority of his poetic works were created in the vicinity of the artistic Saxon court.

Not only several plays, but above all the great shepherd novel Elbianische Florabella comes from this time. It is unclear what drove him out of Dresden, but some unsteady years followed, during which he finally settled in Eckernförde in 1671 , with stops in Zerbst and Hamburg , where he became town clerk , married in 1675 and began a solid bourgeois existence. but this also meant the end of his artistic work. Apparently he lived in Kiel for some time later, but after 1692 he can no longer be traced.

Works (selection)

  • 1660: Spiritual echo. Strasbourg (collection of sacred songs)
  • 1665: Germania exultans or the rejoiced Germany. Dresden
  • 1666: scene of conscience. Dresden
  • 1666: Johann Joseph Beckhen ... Renewed Chariclia (German new version after Caspar Brülow ). Dresden
  • 1667: Elbianische Florabella, Dresden, reprint ed. v. Gerhard Dünnhaupt , Stuttgart 1997. ISBN 3-7772-9627-9
  • 1668: The found again Liarta. Dresden
  • 1669: Polish ink, or the pitiful wedding. Hamburg
  • 1671: Visible vanity and invisible glory . Hamburg (collection of sacred songs)

Literature (selection)

  • Unknown author:  Bekkh, Johann Joseph . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 46, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1902, p. 344.
  • Georg Ellinger: Beckhs "Schauplatz des Gewissens" , in: Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturgeschichte 5 (1892), 337–374
  • Ferdinand van Ingen: Johann Joachim Beckh's "Elbianische Florabella" , in: European tradition and German literary baroque . Bern 1973, pp. 285-303
  • Manfred Kremer: Apollo's wages for the poet , in: Argenis 2 (1978), 143–158

See also: Shepherd seal

  • Manfred Kremer: Johann Joseph Beckh. Life and work. Frankfurt et al. 2001

List of works and references

  • Gerhard Dünnhaupt : Johann Joseph Beckh (1635-after 1692) , in: Personalbibliographien zu den Druck des Barock , Vol. 1. Stuttgart: Hiersemann 1990, pp. 458–465. ISBN 3-7772-9013-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Church book: Baptism entry no. 1312. In: Paroisse Saint-Thomas Registre de baptêmes et de mariages 1624-1648. Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, June 5, 2014, accessed on December 6, 2019 (French).