Casparus Johannes Rinkel

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Casparus Johannes Rinkel (born May 2, 1826 in Aalsmeer ; † May 2, 1906 in Haarlem ) was the Old Catholic Bishop of Haarlem from 1873 to 1906 .


Rinkel was the son of Johannes Lambertus Rinkel and Gijsberta Wilhelmina born. van der Poll. He began his training in the seminar of Amersfoort in 1838 and received on 15 June 1851 in Amersfoort by the Bishop of Haarlem Henricus Johannes van Buul the priesthood . From 1851 to 1852 he worked as chaplain at St Gertrudis in Utrecht , then as pastor in Krommenie until 1874 .


On February 19 and again on March 9, 1868, Rinkel was elected Bishop of Haarlem “subject to the assumption of office”, but after renewed confirmation on May 9, 1871, he refused the election. Only after re-election on June 30, 1873 he received on August 11, 1873 together with Joseph Hubert Reinkens by the bishop of Deventer , Hermann Heykamp , the episcopal ordination .

He was one of the signatories of the Utrecht Declaration of 1889.


  • Dick J. Schoon : Van bisschoppelijke Cleresie dead Oud-Katholieke Kerk. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van het katholicisme in Nederland in de 19de eeuw. Valkhof Pers, Nijmegen 2004, ISBN 90-5625-165-1 , p. 783f.
  • Dick J. Schoon : Casparus Johannes Rinkel. Kroniek van gebeurtenissen concerned de oud-kathieken inzonderheid in Nederland (1845-1894). Valkhof Pers, Nijmegen 2006.
predecessor Office successor
Lambertus de Jong Bishop of Haarlem
Jacobus Johannes van Thiel