Castor Paul Msemwa

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Castor Paul Msemwa (born February 13, 1955 in Kitulira , Tanzania ; † October 19, 2017 in Muscat , Oman ) was a Tanzanian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Tunduru-Masasi .


Castor Paul Msemwa attended the seminary of St. Augustine of Peramiho (Songea) for training in philosophy (1981-1983) and theology (1984-1987) and received on June 7, 1987 the sacrament of ordination . From 1994 to 1996 he studied at the Pontifical Institute for Spirituality “Teresianum” in Rome.

On 7 December 2004 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To Coadjutor Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi. The Archbishop of Dar es Salaam , Polycarp Cardinal Pengo , donated him episcopal ordination on January 30, 2005 ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Songea , Norbert Wendelin Mtega , and the Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi, Magnus Mwalunyungu . On August 25, 2005, Castor Paul Msemwa became Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi, succeeding Magnus Mwalunyungu, who resigned for reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Magnus Mwalunyungu Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi
Filbert Felician Mhasi